Daniel Erian Armanios
Daniel Erian Armanios
BT Professor of Major Programme Management, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
How entrepreneurs leverage institutional intermediaries in emerging economies to acquire public resources
DE Armanios, CE Eesley, J Li, KM Eisenhardt
Strategic Management Journal 38 (7), 1373-1390, 2017
Does More Certification Always Benefit a Venture?
L Lanahan, D Armanios
Organization Science 29 (5), 931-947, 2018
Tullock’s contest with reimbursements
A Matros, D Armanios
Public Choice 141 (1-2), 49-63, 2009
From foe to friend: Complex mutual adaptation of multinational corporations and nongovernmental organizations
DE de Lange, D Armanios, J Delgado-Ceballos, S Sandhu
Business & Society 55 (8), 1197-1228, 2016
Converting existing transmission corridors to HVDC is an overlooked option for increasing transmission capacity
L Reed, MG Morgan, P Vaishnav, D Erian Armanios
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 13879-13884, 2019
Variation of mechanical properties with amino acid content in the silk of Nephila clavipes
DB Zax, DE Armanios, S Horak, C Malowniak, Z Yang
Biomacromolecules 5 (3), 732-738, 2004
Measuring water availability with limited ground data: assessing the feasibility of an entirely remote‐sensing‐based hydrologic budget of the Rufiji Basin, Tanzania, using TRMM …
DE Armanios, JB Fisher
Hydrological Processes 28 (3), 853-867, 2014
Evidence of gender inequality in energy use from a mixed-methods study in India
M Rosenberg, DE Armanios, M Aklin, P Jaramillo
Nature Sustainability 3 (2), 110-118, 2020
How Do Institutional Carriers Alleviate Normative and Cognitive Barriers to Regulatory Change?
DE Armanios, CE Eesley
Organization Science, 2021
Why Has China Overinvested in Coal Power?
M Ren, LG Branstetter, BK Kovak, DE Armanios, J Yuan
The Energy Journal 42 (2), 2021
Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Global Retreat of Democracy: A Curated Discussion
PS Adler, A Adly, DE Armanios, J Battilana, Z Bodrožić, S Clegg, GF Davis, ...
Journal of Management Inquiry 32 (1), 3-20, 2023
Certification relics: Entrepreneurship amidst discontinued certifications
RN Eberhart, DE Armanios
Organization Science 33 (2), 746-765, 2022
Beyond spatial proximity: The impact of enhanced spatial connectedness from new bridges on entrepreneurship
S Dutta, DE Armanios, JD Desai
Organization Science 33 (4), 1620-1644, 2022
Methodological Framework and Feasibility Study to Assess Social Equity Impacts of the Built Environment
SH Jones, DE Armanios
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 146 (11), 05020016, 2020
Varieties of local government experimentation: US state-led technology-based economic development policies, 2000–2015
DE Armanios, L Lanahan, D Yu
Academy of Management Discoveries 6 (2), 266-299, 2020
Sustainable development as a community of practice: insights from rural water projects in Egypt
DE Armanios
Sustainable Development 20 (1), 42-57, 2012
Heard it through the Gitvine: an empirical study of tool diffusion across the npm ecosystem
H Lamba, A Trockman, D Armanios, C Kästner, H Miller, B Vasilescu
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering …, 2020
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Civil and Environmental Engineering Education: Social Justice in a Changing Climate
DE Armanios, SJ Christian, AF Rooney, ML McElwee, JD Moore, D Nock, ...
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021
Inappropriateness penalty, desirability premium: what do more certifications actually signal?
L Lanahan, DE Armanios, AM Joshi
Organization Science 33 (2), 854-871, 2022
Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the Department of Energy
National Academies of Sciences, Policy, Global Affairs, Board on Science, ...
National Academies Press, 2020
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