Universidad de Valencia
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The effects of the Spanish COVID-19 lockdown on people, their pets, and the human-animal bond
J Bowen, E García, P Darder, J Argüelles, J Fatjó
Journal of veterinary behavior 40, 75-91, 2020
Zooplankton Seasonal Abundance of South AmericanSaline Shallow Lakes
SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti, SJ De Paggi, JC Paggi, A Pilati
International Review of Hydrobiology 91 (1), 86-100, 2006
Development of the cat-owner relationship scale (CORS)
TJ Howell, J Bowen, J Fatjó, P Calvo, A Holloway, PC Bennett
Behavioural Processes 141, 305-315, 2017
Animal assisted therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized …
P Calvo, JR Fortuny, S Guzmán, C Macías, J Bowen, ML García, O Orejas, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 631, 2016
Epidemiology of dog and cat abandonment in Spain (2008–2013)
J Fatjó, J Bowen, E García, P Calvo, S Rueda, S Amblás, JF Lalanza
Animals 5 (2), 426-441, 2015
Guardians' perceptions of cats' welfare and behavior regarding visiting veterinary clinics
C Mariti, JE Bowen, S Campa, G Grebe, C Sighieri, A Gazzano
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19 (4), 375-384, 2016
El zooplancton de tres lagos someros de diferente salinidad y estado trófico en la región semiárida pampeana (Argentina)
A Vignatti, S Echaniz, MC Martín
Gayana (Concepción) 71 (1), 34-48, 2007
The perception of cat stress by Italian owners
C Mariti, F Guerrini, V Vallini, JE Bowen, J Fatjó, S Diverio, C Sighieri, ...
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 20, 74-81, 2017
Seasonal variation and influence of turbidity and salinity on the zooplankton of a saline lake in central Argentina
SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti
Latin american journal of aquatic research 39 (2), 306-315, 2011
Characteristics of 24 cases of animal hoarding in Spain
P Calvo, C Duarte, J Bowen, A Bulbena, J Fatjó
Animal Welfare 23 (2), 199-208, 2014
El zooplancton de un lago somero hipereutrófico de la región central de Argentina: cambios después de una década
SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti, PC Bunino
Biota Neotropica 8, 63-71, 2008
Zooplankton richness, abundance and biomass of two hypertrophic shallow lakes with different salinity in central Argentina
SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti, GC Cabrera, SBJ Paggi
Biota Neotropica 12, 41-48, 2012
Changes in the zooplankton and limnological variables of a temporary hypo-mesosaline wetland of the central region of Argentina during its drying
A Vignatti, G Cabrera, S Echaniz
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 7 (2), 93-106, 2012
Patterns of CO2 concentration and inorganic carbon limitation of phytoplankton biomass in agriculturally eutrophic lakes
HE Zagarese, MÁG Sagrario, D Wolf-Gladrow, P Nőges, T Nőges, ...
Water Research 190, 116715, 2021
The value of companion dogs as a source of social support for their owners: Findings from a pre-pandemic representative sample and a convenience sample obtained during the …
J Bowen, A Bulbena, J Fatjó
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 622060, 2021
Highly educated men establish strong emotional links with their dogs: a study with Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) in committed Spanish dog owners
P Calvo, J Bowen, A Bulbena, A Tobeńa, J Fatjó
PloS one 11 (12), e0168748, 2016
Diversity and changes in the horizontal distribution of crustaceans and rotifers in an episodic wetland of the central region of Argentina
SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti
Biota Neotropica 10, 133-141, 2010
Making the case for multi-axis assessment of behavioural problems
J Fatjó, J Bowen
Animals 10 (3), 383, 2020
Zooplankton diversity and its relationship with environmental changes after the filling of a temporary saline lake in the semi-arid region of La Pampa, Argentina
AM Vignatti, JC Paggi, GC Cabrera, SA Echaniz
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 40 (4), 1005-1016, 2012
Riqueza y composición del zooplancton de lagunas saladas de Argentina
S Echaniz, A Vignatti, JC Paggi, SJ de Paggi
Revista FABICIB 9, 25-39, 2005
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Articles 1–20