The effects of the Spanish COVID-19 lockdown on people, their pets, and the human-animal bond J Bowen, E García, P Darder, J Argüelles, J Fatjó Journal of veterinary behavior 40, 75-91, 2020 | 224 | 2020 |
Zooplankton Seasonal Abundance of South AmericanSaline Shallow Lakes SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti, SJ De Paggi, JC Paggi, A Pilati International Review of Hydrobiology 91 (1), 86-100, 2006 | 117 | 2006 |
Development of the cat-owner relationship scale (CORS) TJ Howell, J Bowen, J Fatjó, P Calvo, A Holloway, PC Bennett Behavioural Processes 141, 305-315, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
Animal assisted therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized … P Calvo, JR Fortuny, S Guzmán, C Macías, J Bowen, ML García, O Orejas, ... Frontiers in psychology 7, 631, 2016 | 96 | 2016 |
Epidemiology of dog and cat abandonment in Spain (2008–2013) J Fatjó, J Bowen, E García, P Calvo, S Rueda, S Amblás, JF Lalanza Animals 5 (2), 426-441, 2015 | 86 | 2015 |
Guardians' perceptions of cats' welfare and behavior regarding visiting veterinary clinics C Mariti, JE Bowen, S Campa, G Grebe, C Sighieri, A Gazzano Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19 (4), 375-384, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
El zooplancton de tres lagos someros de diferente salinidad y estado trófico en la región semiárida pampeana (Argentina) A Vignatti, S Echaniz, MC Martín Gayana (Concepción) 71 (1), 34-48, 2007 | 69 | 2007 |
The perception of cat stress by Italian owners C Mariti, F Guerrini, V Vallini, JE Bowen, J Fatjó, S Diverio, C Sighieri, ... Journal of Veterinary Behavior 20, 74-81, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |
Seasonal variation and influence of turbidity and salinity on the zooplankton of a saline lake in central Argentina SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti Latin american journal of aquatic research 39 (2), 306-315, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
Characteristics of 24 cases of animal hoarding in Spain P Calvo, C Duarte, J Bowen, A Bulbena, J Fatjó Animal Welfare 23 (2), 199-208, 2014 | 53 | 2014 |
El zooplancton de un lago somero hipereutrófico de la región central de Argentina: cambios después de una década SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti, PC Bunino Biota Neotropica 8, 63-71, 2008 | 51 | 2008 |
Zooplankton richness, abundance and biomass of two hypertrophic shallow lakes with different salinity in central Argentina SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti, GC Cabrera, SBJ Paggi Biota Neotropica 12, 41-48, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
Changes in the zooplankton and limnological variables of a temporary hypo-mesosaline wetland of the central region of Argentina during its drying A Vignatti, G Cabrera, S Echaniz Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 7 (2), 93-106, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
Patterns of CO2 concentration and inorganic carbon limitation of phytoplankton biomass in agriculturally eutrophic lakes HE Zagarese, MÁG Sagrario, D Wolf-Gladrow, P Nőges, T Nőges, ... Water Research 190, 116715, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
The value of companion dogs as a source of social support for their owners: Findings from a pre-pandemic representative sample and a convenience sample obtained during the … J Bowen, A Bulbena, J Fatjó Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 622060, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
Highly educated men establish strong emotional links with their dogs: a study with Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) in committed Spanish dog owners P Calvo, J Bowen, A Bulbena, A Tobeńa, J Fatjó PloS one 11 (12), e0168748, 2016 | 44 | 2016 |
Diversity and changes in the horizontal distribution of crustaceans and rotifers in an episodic wetland of the central region of Argentina SA Echaniz, AM Vignatti Biota Neotropica 10, 133-141, 2010 | 35 | 2010 |
Making the case for multi-axis assessment of behavioural problems J Fatjó, J Bowen Animals 10 (3), 383, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Zooplankton diversity and its relationship with environmental changes after the filling of a temporary saline lake in the semi-arid region of La Pampa, Argentina AM Vignatti, JC Paggi, GC Cabrera, SA Echaniz Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 40 (4), 1005-1016, 2012 | 34 | 2012 |
Riqueza y composición del zooplancton de lagunas saladas de Argentina S Echaniz, A Vignatti, JC Paggi, SJ de Paggi Revista FABICIB 9, 25-39, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |