Timo Nummenmaa
Timo Nummenmaa
Senior Research Fellow, Tampere University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Applying game achievement systems to enhance user experience in a photo sharing service
M Montola, T Nummenmaa, A Lucero, M Boberg, H Korhonen
Proceedings of the 13th International MindTrek Conference: Everyday Life in …, 2009
User interaction with desktop environment
JA Laukkanen, TE Nummenmaa, W Walmink, AWMB Rulkens, ...
US Patent 9,635,091, 2017
Determination of event of interest
J Arrasvuori, J Holopainen, HJ Korhonen, M Montola, T Nummenmaa
US Patent 8,645,283, 2014
System and method for cooperative sharing of resources of an environment
J Laukkanen, TE Nummenmaa, W Walmink, A Rulkens, EA Savilampi
US Patent 10,534,507, 2020
System and method for cooperative sharing of resources of an environment
J Laukkanen, TE Nummenmaa, W Walmink, EA Savilampi
US Patent 9,063,631, 2015
Building Finnish game jam community through positive social facilitation
A Kultima, K Alha, T Nummenmaa
Proceedings of the 20th international academic mindtrek conference, 433-440, 2016
Games as blends: Understanding hybrid games
V Kankainen, J Arjoranta, T Nummenmaa
Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 14 (4), 2017
Design constraints in game design case: survival mode game jam 2016
A Kultima, K Alha, T Nummenmaa
Proceedings of the international conference on game jams, hackathons, and …, 2016
Monialainen pelitutkimus
F Mäyrä, T Sihvonen, J Paavilainen, H Saarenpää, A Kultima, ...
Teoksessa Sami Serola (toim.): Ote informaatiosta. Johdatus …, 2010
A player behavior model for predicting win-loss outcome in MOBA games
X Lan, L Duan, W Chen, R Qin, T Nummenmaa, J Nummenmaa
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 474-488, 2018
Modelling experimental game design
J Holopainen, T Nummenmaa, J Kuittinen
Proceedings of Nordic DiGRA 2010 Conference: Experiencing Games: Games, Play …, 2010
Hybrid Playful Experiences: Playing Between Material and Digital-Hybridex Project, Final Report
H Tyni, A Kultima, T Nummenmaa, K Alha, V Kankainen, F Mäyrä
University of Tampere, 2016
Patches and player community perceptions: Analysis of No man's sky steam reviews
C Lu, X Li, T Nummenmaa, Z Zhang, J Peltonen
DiGRA'20-Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference, 2020
Using parsed and annotated corpora to analyze parliamentarians' talk in Finland
M Andrushchenko, K Sandberg, R Turunen, J Marjanen, M Hatavara, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 73 (2 …, 2022
Social and privacy aspects of a system for collaborative public expression
J Holopainen, A Lucero, H Saarenpää, T Nummenmaa, A El Ali, T Jokela
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2011
Towards the next generation of gaming wearables
MS Oğuz’Oz’Buruk, N Xi, T Nummenmaa, J Hamari
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Simulation as a game design tool
T Nummenmaa, J Kuittinen, J Holopainen
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2009
Hybrid social play final report
J Paavilainen, K Heljakka, J Arjoranta, V Kankainen, L Lahdenperä, ...
Trim research reports, 2018
Exploring games as formal models
T Nummenmaa, E Berki, T Mikkonen
2009 Fourth South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods, 60-65, 2009
Towards the next generation of gaming wearables
OO Buruk, M Salminen, N Xi, T Nummenmaa, J Hamari
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
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