Mira Grönroos
Mira Grönroos
PhD, Postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Biodiversity intervention enhances immune regulation and health-associated commensal microbiota among daycare children
MI Roslund, R Puhakka, M Grönroos, N Nurminen, S Oikarinen, ...
Science advances 6 (42), eaba2578, 2020
Metacommunity structuring in stream networks: roles of dispersal mode, distance type, and regional environmental context
M Grönroos, J Heino, T Siqueira, VL Landeiro, J Kotanen, LM Bini
Ecology and evolution 3 (13), 4473-4487, 2013
A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels
J Heino, AS Melo, LM Bini, F Altermatt, SA Al‐Shami, DG Angeler, ...
Ecology and evolution 5 (6), 1235-1248, 2015
Context dependency and metacommunity structuring in boreal headwater streams
J Heino, M Grönroos, J Soininen, R Virtanen, T Muotka
Oikos 121 (4), 537-544, 2012
Exploring species and site contributions to beta diversity in stream insect assemblages
J Heino, M Grönroos
Oecologia 183, 151-160, 2017
Urbanization reduces transfer of diverse environmental microbiota indoors
A Parajuli, M Grönroos, N Siter, R Puhakka, HK Vari, MI Roslund, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 84, 2018
Environmental heterogeneity and β diversity of stream macroinvertebrate communities at intermediate spatial scales
J Heino, M Grönroos, J Ilmonen, T Karhu, M Niva, L Paasivirta
Freshwater Science 32 (1), 142-154, 2013
Short‐term direct contact with soil and plant materials leads to an immediate increase in diversity of skin microbiota
M Grönroos, A Parajuli, OH Laitinen, MI Roslund, HK Vari, H Hyöty, ...
MicrobiologyOpen 8 (3), e00645, 2019
Nature-derived microbiota exposure as a novel immunomodulatory approach
N Nurminen, J Lin, M Grönroos, R Puhakka, L Kramna, HK Vari, H Viskari, ...
Future microbiology 13 (07), 737-744, 2018
Inferring the effects of potential dispersal routes on the metacommunity structure of stream insects: as the crow flies, as the fish swims or as the fox runs?
OM Kärnä, M Grönroos, H Antikainen, J Hjort, J Ilmonen, L Paasivirta, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (5), 1342-1353, 2015
Half-lives of PAHs and temporal microbiota changes in commonly used urban landscaping materials
MI Roslund, M Grönroos, AL Rantalainen, A Jumpponen, M Romantschuk, ...
PeerJ 6, e4508, 2018
Yard vegetation is associated with gut microbiota composition
A Parajuli, N Hui, R Puhakka, S Oikarinen, M Grönroos, VAO Selonen, ...
Science of the total environment 713, 136707, 2020
Long-term biodiversity intervention shapes health-associated commensal microbiota among urban day-care children
MI Roslund, R Puhakka, N Nurminen, S Oikarinen, N Siter, M Grönroos, ...
Environment International 157, 106811, 2021
Untangling the relationships among regional occupancy, species traits, and niche characteristics in stream invertebrates
J Heino, M Grönroos
Ecology and Evolution 4 (10), 1931-1942, 2014
The abundance of health-associated bacteria is altered in PAH polluted soils—Implications for health in urban areas?
A Parajuli, M Grönroos, S Kauppi, T Płociniczak, MI Roslund, P Galitskaya, ...
PLoS One 12 (11), e0187852, 2017
Temporal variation in indoor transfer of dirt-associated environmental bacteria in agricultural and urban areas
N Hui, A Parajuli, R Puhakka, M Grönroos, MI Roslund, HK Vari, ...
Environment International 132, 105069, 2019
Species richness at the guild level: effects of species pool and local environmental conditions on stream macroinvertebrate communities
M Grönroos, J Heino
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (3), 679-691, 2012
Does environmental heterogeneity affect species co‐occurrence in ecological guilds across stream macroinvertebrate metacommunities?
J Heino, M Grönroos
Ecography 36 (8), 926-936, 2013
Diverse environmental microbiota as a tool to augment biodiversity in urban landscaping materials
N Hui, M Grönroos, MI Roslund, A Parajuli, HK Vari, L Soininen, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 536, 2019
A Placebo-controlled double-blinded test of the biodiversity hypothesis of immune-mediated diseases: Environmental microbial diversity elicits changes in cytokines and increase …
MI Roslund, A Parajuli, N Hui, R Puhakka, M Grönroos, L Soininen, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 242, 113900, 2022
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