Minnie Kontkanen
Minnie Kontkanen
University lecturer (International Business), University of Vaasa
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Developing brand identities for international new ventures under uncertainty: Decision-making logics and psychic distance
SY Kusi, P Gabrielsson, M Kontkanen
International Business Review 30 (6), 101867, 2021
Knowledge sharing dynamics in international subcontracting arrangements: The case of Finnish high-tech SMEs
P Ahokangas, L Haapanen, I Golgeci, A Arslan, Z Khan, M Kontkanen
Journal of International Management 28 (1), 100888, 2022
Standardization vs. adaptation of the marketing mix strategy in SME exports
J Larimo, M Kontkanen
Proceedings of 34th EIBA Annual Conference, Tallinn, 2008
Determinants of reverse marketing knowledge transfer potential from emerging market subsidiaries to multinational enterprises’ headquarters
T Leposky, A Arslan, M Kontkanen
Journal of Strategic Marketing 25 (7), 567-580, 2017
Foreign firm operations and skills development of local employees in violence-hit countries
I Gölgeci, A Arslan, Z Khan, M Kontkanen
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120376, 2021
Pk-yritysten kansainvälistymisen menestysstrategiat
J Larimo, M Kontkanen
Teoksessa Laukkanen, M.(ed.), 215-229, 2007
How culture shapes user responses to firm-generated content on social media: the role of cultural dimensions of in-group collectivism, indulgence, and masculinity
A Chwialkowska, M Kontkanen
International Journal of Export Marketing 1 (4), 328-356, 2017
International projects and political risk management by multinational enterprises: insights from multiple emerging markets
T Ali, A Butt, A Arslan, SY Tarba, SA Sniazhko, M Kontkanen
International Marketing Review 38 (6), 1113-1142, 2021
Patterns of SME’s marketing mix combinations and their characteristics in export markets
J Larimo, A Zucchella, M Kontkanen, B Hagen
Advances in Global Marketing: A Research Anthology, 333-364, 2018
National cultural dimensions, emerging market characteristics, and the subsidiary's willingness to transfer marketing knowledge to MNE HQs
A Arslan, TT Leposky, M Kontkanen
Journal of Transnational Management 21 (3), 162-179, 2016
Marketing agility in underdog entrepreneurship: A qualitative assessment in post-conflict Sub-Saharan African context
A Arslan, S Kamara, AY Tian, P Rodgers, M Kontkanen
Journal of Business Research 173, 114488, 2024
Operation mode choice and efficiency in the context of perceived uncertainty: Case of Finnish firms in Asia
M Kontkanen
Vaasan yliopisto, 2006
COVID-19 and the Changing Perception of Strategic Industries: Implications for International Business
A Arslan, Z Khan, M Kontkanen, S Tarba
Covid-19 and International Business, 89-102, 2020
Standardization versus Adaptation of the Marketing Mix Strategy in SME Exports
J Larimo, M Kontkanen
Resources, Efficiency and Globalization, 193-211, 2010
A bricolage perspective on construction innovation in a BOP market: evidence from a Finnish family-owned micro-enterprise
S Kamara, A Arslan, M Kontkanen, SY Tarba
Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business, 206-218, 2022
International growth and social media competitiveness of small software firms
M Saari, M Kontkanen, A Arslan, P Hurmelinna-Laukkanen
Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness for Business …, 2021
Risk and social value creation in volatile BOP markets: a case study from Somalia
A Arslan, I Gölgeci, M Kontkanen, T Leposky
Base of the Pyramid Markets in Africa, 76-94, 2020
Social media as a knowledge transfer tool for intellectual capital accumulation during the international growth of small firms
M Saari, M Kontkanen, A Arslan, P Hurmelinna-Laukkanen
Research Handbook on Knowledge Transfer and International Business, 84-107, 2022
Professor Jorma Larimo's contribution to international business research: a memorial overview
A Arslan, M Kontkanen
International Journal of Export Marketing 5 (3-4), 265-274, 2022
Implications for International Business
A Arslan, Z Khan, M Kontkanen, S Tarba
Covid-19 and International Business: Change of Era, 2020
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