Leena Laamanen
Leena Laamanen
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Flow patterns and morphological changes in a sandy meander bend during a flood—spatially and temporally intensive ADCP measurement approach
E Kasvi, L Laamanen, E Lotsari, P Alho
Water 9 (2), 106, 2017
Combined effects of human pressures on Europe’s marine ecosystems
S Korpinen, L Laamanen, L Bergström, M Nurmi, JH Andersen, ...
Ambio 50, 1325-1336, 2021
Empirical modeling of spatial 3d flow characteristics using a remote-controlled ADCP system: monitoring a spring flood
C Flener, Y Wang, L Laamanen, E Kasvi, JM Vesakoski, P Alho
Water 7 (1), 217-247, 2015
Multiple pressures and their combined effects in Europe’s seas. ETC
S Korpinen, K Klančnik, M Peterlin, M Nurmi, L Laamanen, G Zupančič, ...
ICM Technical Report 4/2019: European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and …, 2019
Multiple pressures and their combined effects in Europe's seas
S Korpinen, K Klancnik, M Peterlin, M Nurmi, L Laamanen, G Zupancic, ...
Flow dynamics, sedimentation and erosion of glacial lake outburst floods along the Middle Pleistocene Scandinavian Ice Sheet (northern central Europe)
J Winsemann, P Alho, L Laamanen, N Goseberg, J Lang, J Klostermann
Boreas 45 (2), 260-283, 2016
Marine environmental vulnerability and cumulative risk profiles to support ecosystem-based adaptive maritime spatial planning
R Aps, K Herkül, J Kotta, R Cormier, K Kostamo, L Laamanen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (7), 2488-2500, 2018
EUSeaMap 2021. A European broad-scale seabed habitat map
M Vasquez, H Allen, E Manca, L Castle, H Lillis, S Agnesi, Z Al Hamdani, ...
Ekologiset kompensaatiot Suomen rannikolla ja merialueilla
K Kostamo, M Pekkonen, P Ahlroth, R Heikkinen, M Kallasvuo, ...
Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 24, 68, 2018
Tulvariskien hallinta uusilla teknologioilla
P Alho, L Laamanen, E Kasvi, Y Wang, C Flener
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2015
Mapping seabed habitats over large areas: prospects and limits
M Vasquez, S Agnesi, Z Al Hamdani, A Annunziatellis, N Askew, T Bekkby, ...
Spatio-temporal flow structures and morphological changes in a meander bend during a spring flood: A unique ADCP mini-boat approach
L Laamanen, C Flener, P Alho
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4890, 2014
EUSeaMap 2023, A European broad-scale seabed habitat map, Technical Report
M Vasquez, B Ségeat, A Cordingley, E Tilby, S Wikström, E Ehrnsten, ...
Method for classifying EUSeaMap according to the new version of EUNIS, HELCOM HUB and the Mediterranean habitat types
M Vasquez, S Agnesi, Z Al Hamdani, A Annunziatellis, L Castle, ...
Cost effectiveness of proposed new measures for the Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021
L Saikkonen, TY Lai, K Oljemark, L Laamanen, S Korpinen, H Ahtiainen, ...
Review and compilation of habitat models in European Seas
E Virtanen, W Niemelä, T Bekkby, J Gonçalves, L Laamanen, H Lillis, ...
Jatkuvatoimiset vedenlaatumittarit vesistökuormituksen arvioinnissa
E Vartiainen, M Yli-Renko, L Laamanen, R Elo, J Koskinen
Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus, 2014
Plan4Blue Scenarios for Blue Growth
R Pöntynen, A Erkkilä-Välimäki, T Nylén, R Varjopuro, H Nieminen, ...
Workshop on scoping for benthic pressure layers D6C2–from methods to operational data product
P Boulcott, A Kenny, C Pinot, C Smith, C von Dorien, D Connor, ...
ICES WKBEDPRES1 Report, ICES CM 2018/ACOM: 59., 2018
Pohjanläheisen ja syvyyskeskiarvotetun virtausrakenteen sekä uoman morfologian alueellis‐ajallinen muutos nousevan kevättulvan aikana
L Laamanen
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