Petter Kyösti
Petter Kyösti
RISE Research institutes of Sweden
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
An initial model for zero defect manufacturing
J Lindström, P Kyösti, W Birk, E Lejon
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4570, 2020
A multi-usable cloud service platform: A case study on improved development pace and efficiency
J Lindström, A Hermanson, F Blomstedt, P Kyösti
Applied Sciences 8 (2), 316, 2018
Towards intelligent and sustainable production systems with a zero-defect manufacturing approach in an Industry4. 0 context
J Lindström, E Lejon, P Kyösti, M Mecella, D Heutelbeck, M Hemmje, ...
Procedia Cirp 81, 880-885, 2019
A model for predicting and monitoring industrial system availability
M Löfstrand, B Backe, P Kyösti, J Lindström, S Reed
International Journal of Product Development 16 (2), 140-157, 2012
Machine learning for detection of anomalies in press-hardening: Selection of efficient methods
E Lejon, P Kyösti, J Lindström
Procedia Cirp 72, 1079-1083, 2018
Prediction of service support costs for functional products
P Kyösti, S Reed
Simulation modelling practice and theory 59, 52-70, 2015
Optimizing recycling management using industrial internet supporting circular economy: a case study of an emerging ips2
J Lindström, A Hermanson, M Hellis, P Kyösti
Procedia CIRP 64, 55-60, 2017
Evaluating availability of functional products through simulation
M Löfstrand, P Kyösti, S Reed, B Backe
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 47, 196-209, 2014
Zero defect manufacturing in an industry 4.0 context: A case study of requirements for change and desired effects
J Lindström, P Kyösti, E Lejon, W Birk, A Andersson, M Borg, M Juntti, ...
TESConf, 2020
European roadmap for industrial process automation
J Lindström, P Kyösti, J Delsing
Simulation of industrial support systems in the context of functional products
P Kyösti, S Reed, M Löfstrand, J Andrews, L Karlsson, S Dunnett
Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium: 12/04/2011-14/04/2011, 2011
A Decision Support Tool for Optimising Support Site Configuration of Functional Products
P Kyösti, S Reed, S Sjödin
Procedia CIRP 22, 175-180, 2014
Soa-based platform use in development and operation of automation solutions: Challenges, opportunities, and supporting pillars towards emerging trends
P Kyösti, J Lindström
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1074, 2022
Quantified economic and environmental values through Functional Productization-A simulation approach
S Reed, M Karlberg, P Kyösti, D Sas
Environmental impact assessment review 70, 71-80, 2018
Cybersecurity level in IPS2: A case study of two industrial internet-based SME offerings
J Lindström, J Eliasson, A Hermansson, F Blomstedt, P Kyösti
Procedia CIRP 73, 222-227, 2018
Toward an improved strategy for functional product development by predicting environmental and economic sustainability
D Sas, P Kyösti, M Karlberg, S Reed
Procedia CIRP 59, 208-213, 2017
Toward predictive maintenance of walls in hard rock underground facilities: IoT-enabled rock bolts
J Lindström, J Eliasson, P Kyösti, U Andersson
Enterprise Interoperability VIII: Smart Services and Business Impact of …, 2019
A modelling language for maintenance task scheduling
S Reed, J Andrews, S Dunnett, P Kyösti, B Backe, M Löfstrand, L Karlsson
European Safety and Reliability Conference: 25/06/2012-29/06/2012 1, 201-211, 2012
Predicting functional product availability and cost through a simulation driven approach
P Kyösti
Luleå tekniska universitet, 2015
Extending product lifecycles—an initial model with new and emerging existential design aspects required for long and extendable lifecycles
J Lindström, P Kyösti, F Psarommatis, K Andersson, K Starck Enman
Applied Sciences 14 (13), 5812, 2024
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