Ah-Hwee Tan
Cited by
Cited by
Text mining: The state of the art and the challenges
AH Tan
Proceedings of the pakdd 1999 workshop on knowledge disocovery from advanced …, 1999
A fast pruned-extreme learning machine for classification problem
HJ Rong, YS Ong, AH Tan, Z Zhu
Neurocomputing 72 (1-3), 359-366, 2008
Hierarchical reinforcement learning: A comprehensive survey
S Pateria, B Subagdja, A Tan, C Quek
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (5), 1-35, 2021
Rule extraction: From neural architecture to symbolic representation
GA Carpenter, AH Tan
Connection Science 7 (1), 3-27, 1995
Benchmarking single-image reflection removal algorithms
R Wan, B Shi, LY Duan, AH Tan, AC Kot
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 3922-3930, 2017
Learning and inferencing in user ontology for personalized Semantic Web search
X Jiang, AH Tan
Information sciences 179 (16), 2794-2808, 2009
On quantitative evaluation of clustering systems
W Wu, H Xiong, S Shekhar, J He, AH Tan, CL Tan, SY Sung
Clustering and information retrieval, 105-133, 2004
CRCTOL: A semantic‐based domain ontology learning system
X Jiang, AH Tan
Journal of the American society for information science and technology 61 (1 …, 2010
Integrating temporal difference methods and self-organizing neural networks for reinforcement learning with delayed evaluative feedback
AH Tan, N Lu, D Xiao
IEEE transactions on neural networks 19 (2), 230-244, 2008
Integrated cognitive architectures: a survey
HQ Chong, AH Tan, GW Ng
Artificial Intelligence Review 28, 103-130, 2007
Modelling situation awareness for context-aware decision support
YH Feng, TH Teng, AH Tan
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (1), 455-463, 2009
Method and system for discovering knowledge from text documents using associating between concepts and sub-concepts
AH Tan, R Kanagasabai
US Patent 7,734,556, 2010
Cascade ARTMAP: Integrating neural computation and symbolic knowledge processing
AH Tan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 8 (2), 237-250, 1997
Summarization of egocentric videos: A comprehensive survey
AG Del Molino, C Tan, JH Lim, AH Tan
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (1), 65-76, 2016
Adaptive resonance associative map
AH Tan
Neural Networks 8 (3), 437-446, 1995
Intelligence through interaction: Towards a unified theory for learning
AH Tan, GA Carpenter, S Grossberg
International Symposium on Neural Networks, 1094-1103, 2007
Learning user profiles for personalized information dissemination
AH Tan, C Teo
1998 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Proceedings …, 1998
Neural modeling of episodic memory: Encoding, retrieval, and forgetting
W Wang, B Subagdja, AH Tan, JA Starzyk
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 23 (10), 1574-1586, 2012
CRRN: Multi-scale guided concurrent reflection removal network
R Wan, B Shi, LY Duan, AH Tan, AC Kot
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
A Comparative Study on Chinese Text Categorization Methods.
J He, AH Tan, CL Tan
PRICAI workshop on text and web mining 35, 2000
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Articles 1–20