Elma O'Sullivan-Greene
Elma O'Sullivan-Greene
Research Fellow, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne
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Cited by
Study of the properties of new SPM detectors
AG Stewart, E Greene-O'Sullivan, DJ Herbert, V Saveliev, F Quinlan, ...
Semiconductor Photodetectors III 6119, 84-93, 2006
Neuroprosthetic stimulation
H Meffin, A Burkitt, D Grayden, B Tayahori, EOS Greene
US Patent 9,517,345, 2016
A paradigm for epileptic seizure prediction using a coupled oscillator model of the brain
E O'Sullivan-Greene, I Mareels, D Freestone, L Kulhmann, A Burkitt
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Observability issues in networked clocks with applications to epilepsy
E O'Sullivan-Greene, I Mareels, A Burkitt, L Kulhmann
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Probing to observe neural dynamics investigated with networked kuramoto oscillators
E O’Sullivan-Greene, L Kuhlmann, ES Nurse, DR Freestone, DB Grayden, ...
International journal of neural systems 27 (01), 1650038, 2017
Observability limits for networked oscillators
E O'Sullivan-Greene, I Mareels, L Kuhlmann, A Burkitt
Automatica 50 (4), 1087-1099, 2014
Embracing the irregular: A patient-specific image processing strategy for visual prostheses
FI Kiral-Kornek, CO Savage, E O'Sullivan-Greene, AN Burkitt, DB Grayden
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
18 seizure prediction and observability of EEG sources
E O’Sullivan-Greene, L Kuhlmann, A Varsavsky, DB Grayden, AN Burkitt, ...
Epilepsy: The Intersec. Neurosci. Biol. Mathem. Eng. Phys., 273, 2011
Modeling experimental recordings of vagal afferent signaling of intestinal inflammation for neuromodulation
E O’Sullivan-Greene, T Kameneva, D Trevaks, A Shafton, SC Payne, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 15 (5), 056032, 2018
Improved visual performance in letter perception through edge orientation encoding in a retinal prosthesis simulation
FI Kiral-Kornek, E OʼSullivan-Greene, CO Savage, C McCarthy, ...
Journal of neural engineering 11 (6), 066002, 2014
Limits of Observability in Large-Scale Linear Networked Clocks⋆
E O’Sullivan-Greene, I Mareels
Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, 2014
Reevaluating Electroencephalography for Epileptic Seizure Prediction
E O'Sullivan-Greene
University of Melbourne, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2011
Spatial shaping of neural activity using electrical stimulation
ANB Hamish Meffin, Bahman Tahayori, Elma O'Sullivan-Greene, David B Grayden
CNS, BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P49, 2013
Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Random Projections
CO Savage, E O'Sullivan-Greene
2007 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks …, 2007
Semiconductor Photodetectors III sponsors: SPIE.-Том. 6119. Semiconductor Photodetectors III.-Сер. Semiconductor Photodetectors III
AG Stewart, E Greene-O'Sullivan, DJ Herbert, V Saveliev, F Quinlan, ...
Andrea Varsavsky, David B. Crayden, Anthony N. Burkitt, and Iven MY Mareels
E O’Sullivan-Greene, L Kuhlmann
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Articles 1–16