Mikko Rajanen
Cited by
Cited by
Gamification for climate change engagement: review of corpus and future agenda
D Fernández Galeote, M Rajanen, D Rajanen, NZ Legaki, DJ Langley, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (6), 063004, 2021
Assuring quality and usability in open source software development
H Hedberg, N Iivari, M Rajanen, L Harjumaa
Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development, 2007. FLOSS'07. First …, 2007
Perspectives and practices of digital accessibility: A survey of user experience professionals in nordic countries
Y Inal, F Guribye, D Rajanen, M Rajanen, M Rost
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic conference on human-computer interaction …, 2020
Usability Benefits in Gamification
M Rajanen, D Rajanen
1st International GamiFIN Conference 1857, 87-95, 2017
Usability cost-benefit analysis: how usability became a curse word?
M Rajanen, N Iivari
Proceedings of the 11th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human …, 2007
Smart mask–Wearable IoT solution for improved protection and personal health
J Hyysalo, S Dasanayake, J Hannu, C Schuss, M Rajanen, T Leppänen, ...
Internet of things 18, 100511, 2022
Climate change gamification: A literature review
D Rajanen, M Rajanen
GamiFin 2019, 2019
Power, empowerment and open source usability
M Rajanen, N Iivari
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Usability cost-benefit models–different approaches to usability benefit analysis
M Rajanen
26th Information Systems Research Seminar In Scandinavia. Haikko, Finland, 2003
Introducing usability activities into open source software development projects: a participative approach
M Rajanen, N Iivari, E Keskitalo
Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2012
Evaluating the quality of use of visual data-mining tools
D Marghescu, M Rajanen, B Back
Proceedings 11th European Conference on IT Evaluation, 239-250, 2004
Introducing usability activities into open source software development projects-searching for a suitable approach
M Rajanen, N Iivari, K Anttila
JITTA: Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application 12 (4), 5, 2011
The impact of game usability to player attitude
M Rajanen, D Marghescu
Proceedings of 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, 1-17, 2006
Heuristic evaluation in game and gamification development
M Rajanen, D Rajanen
Proceedings of the 2nd International GamiFIN Conference. Pori, Finland, May …, 2018
A Survey of Game Usability Practices in North American Game Companies
M Rajanen, J Tapani
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Information Systems …, 2018
A survey of Game Usability Practices in Northern European Game Companies
M Rajanen, J Nissinen
IRIS: Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in …, 2015
Open Source and Human Computer Interaction Philosophies in Open Source Projects–Incompatible or Co-Existent?
M Rajanen, N Iivari
Academic MindTrek 2013, 2013
Applying usability cost-benefit analysis - explorations in commercial and open source software development contexts
M Rajanen
Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Series A 587 - University of Oulu 587 (587), 1-98, 2011
Examining usability work and culture in OSS
M Rajanen, N Iivari
Open Source Systems: Adoption and Impact: 11th IFIP WG 2.13 International …, 2015
Analysis of Usability Cost-Benefit Models
M Rajanen, T Jokela
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2004), 2004
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Articles 1–20