Marieke Vinkenoog
Marieke Vinkenoog
Netherlands Forensic Institute & Leiden University
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Cited by
First results of a ferritin‐based blood donor deferral policy in the Netherlands
M Vinkenoog, K van den Hurk, M van Kraaij, M van Leeuwen, ...
Transfusion 60 (8), 1785-1792, 2020
Associations between symptoms, donor characteristics and IgG antibody response in 2082 COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors
M Vinkenoog, M Steenhuis, A Brinke, JGC van Hasselt, MP Janssen, ...
Frontiers in immunology 13, 821721, 2022
Explainable haemoglobin deferral predictions using machine learning models: Interpretation and consequences for the blood supply
M Vinkenoog, M van Leeuwen, MP Janssen
Vox Sanguinis 117 (11), 1262-1270, 2022
An international comparison of haemoglobin deferral prediction models for blood banking
M Vinkenoog, J Toivonen, T Brits, D de Clippel, V Compernolle, S Karki, ...
Vox sanguinis 118 (6), 430-439, 2023
Challenges and limitations in clustering blood donor hemoglobin trajectories
M Vinkenoog, M Janssen, M van Leeuwen
International workshop on advanced analysis and learning on temporal data, 72-84, 2019
Individual and environmental determinants of serum ferritin levels: A structural equation model
M Vinkenoog, R de Groot, J Lakerveld, M Janssen, K van den Hurk
Transfusion Medicine 33 (2), 113-122, 2023
Predicting haemoglobin deferral using machine learning models: Can we use the same prediction model across countries?
A Meulenbeld, J Toivonen, M Vinkenoog, T Brits, R Swanevelder, ...
Vox sanguinis, 2024
Data-Driven Donation Strategies: Understanding and Predicting Blood Donor Deferral
M Vinkenoog
The added value of ferritin levels and genetic markers for the prediction of haemoglobin deferral
M Vinkenoog, J Toivonen, M van Leeuwen, MP Janssen, M Arvas
Vox Sanguinis 118 (10), 825-834, 2023
Controlled Hb and deferral prediction evaluation using a Docker container for every blood establishment
J Toivonen, M Vinkenoog, T Brits, D De Clippen, M Janssen, M Arvas
Vox Sanguinis, 115-116, 2022
Reconstruction by deconstruction: diplotype frequency estimation for genotype data in stratified populations
M Vinkenoog
Bayesian Networks for fMRI Analysis
N Ostlund, I Quataert, M Rijnen, M Vinkenoog
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Articles 1–12