Magnus Gustafsson
Magnus Gustafsson
PhD. Research Leader, Industrial Management Åbo Akademi University
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Defining uncertainty in projects–a new perspective
O Perminova, M Gustafsson, K Wikström
International journal of project management 26 (1), 73-79, 2008
The value of trust in project business
H Smyth, M Gustafsson, E Ganskau
International Journal of project management 28 (2), 117-129, 2010
Business models for industrial ecosystems: a modular approach
A Tsvetkova, M Gustafsson
Journal of Cleaner Production 29, 246-254, 2012
Collaboration mechanisms for business models in distributed energy ecosystems
M Hellström, A Tsvetkova, M Gustafsson, K Wikström
Journal of Cleaner Production 102, 226-236, 2015
Performance-based and functional contracting in value-based solution selling
J Liinamaa, M Viljanen, A Hurmerinta, M Ivanova-Gongne, H Luotola, ...
Industrial Marketing Management 59, 37-49, 2016
Embracing uncertainty in value-based selling by means of design thinking
H Luotola, M Hellström, M Gustafsson, O Perminova-Harikoski
Industrial marketing management 65, 59-75, 2017
Bridging strategic and operational issues for project business through managing trust
M Gustafsson, H Smyth, E Ganskau, T Arhippainen
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 3 (3), 422-442, 2010
Integrating the customer as part of systems integration
J Liinamaa, M Gustafsson
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 3 (2), 197-215, 2010
Att leverera ett kraftverk: förtroende, kontrakt och engagemang i internationell projektindustri
M Gustafsson
Åbo akademi, 2002
The value of project execution services: a problem and uncertainty perspective
M Hellström, R Wikström, M Gustafsson, H Luotola
Construction Management and Economics 34 (4-5), 272-285, 2016
Sustainable bio-economy: potential, challenges and opportunities in Finland
M Gustafsson, R Stoor, A Tsvetkova
PBI Research Institute. Sitra Studies 51, 2011
Competitive advantage through value-based health care: The case of Metso Corporation
LA Parvinen, R Windischhofer, M Gustafsson
European Management Journal 28 (3), 195-207, 2010
Replication of industrial ecosystems: the case of a sustainable biogas-for-traffic solution
A Tsvetkova, M Hellström, M Gustafsson, J Sjöblom
Journal of Cleaner Production 98, 123-132, 2015
Business model innovation for eco-innovation: Developing a boundary-spanning business model of an ecosystem integrator
A Tsvetkova, M Gustafsson, K Wikström
Eco-Innovation and the Development of Business Models: Lessons from …, 2014
Transformative business studies: Technology transfer in the social sciences
M Gustafsson, A Tsvetkova
Technology & Innovation 19 (2), 537-552, 2017
A framework for ecosystemic strategizing and change
A Tsvetkova, T Nokelainen, M Gustafsson, K Eriksson
Practices for Network Management: In Search of Collaborative Advantage, 275-301, 2017
Time to think–managing projects through reflection
M Gustafsson, K Wikström
Proceedings of IRNOP, 2004
Positioning report: Analysis of the current shipping industry structure and a vision for a renewed shipping industry ecosystem
M Gustafsson, A Tsvetkova, M Ivanova-Gongne, A Keltaniemi, ...
Turku, Finland, 2015
The power of trust
M Gustafsson
Åbo Akademi, 1996
Biting the bullet—managing projects through reflection
M Gustafsson, K Wikström
Wikström, Gustafsson, and Karlsson, editors, Project Perspectives, 11-38, 2004
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Articles 1–20