Juan Cortés
Cited by
Cited by
Sampling-based path planning on configuration-space costmaps
L Jaillet, J Cortés, T Siméon
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 26 (4), 635-646, 2010
Manipulation planning with probabilistic roadmaps
T Siméon, JP Laumond, J Cortés, A Sahbani
The International Journal of Robotics Research 23 (7-8), 729-746, 2004
The aeroarms project: Aerial robots with advanced manipulation capabilities for inspection and maintenance
A Ollero, G Heredia, A Franchi, G Antonelli, K Kondak, A Sanfeliu, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 25 (4), 12-23, 2018
A truly-redundant aerial manipulator system with application to push-and-slide inspection in industrial plants
M Tognon, HAT Chávez, E Gasparin, Q Sablé, D Bicego, A Mallet, M Lany, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 1846-1851, 2019
Transition-based RRT for path planning in continuous cost spaces
L Jaillet, J Cortés, T Siméon
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2008
A random loop generator for planning the motions of closed kinematic chains using PRM methods
J Cortés, T Siméon, JP Laumond
Proceedings 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2002
Optimal path planning in complex cost spaces with sampling-based algorithms
D Devaurs, T Siméon, J Cortés
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 13 (2), 415-424, 2015
Planning human-aware motions using a sampling-based costmap planner
J Mainprice, EA Sisbot, L Jaillet, J Cortés, R Alami, T Siméon
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5012-5017, 2011
A path planning approach for computing large-amplitude motions of flexible molecules
J Cortés, T Siméon, V Ruiz de Angulo, D Guieysse, M Remaud-Simeon
Oxford University Press, 2005
Sampling-based motion planning under kinematic loop-closure constraints
J Cortés, T Siméon
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics VI, 75-90, 2005
Geometric algorithms for the conformational analysis of long protein loops
J Cortés, T Siméon, M Remaud‐Siméon, V Tran
Journal of computational chemistry 25 (7), 956-967, 2004
Motion planning algorithms for molecular simulations: A survey
I Al-Bluwi, T Siméon, J Cortés
Computer Science Review 6 (4), 125-143, 2012
An NMA‐guided path planning approach for computing large‐amplitude conformational changes in proteins
S Kirillova, J Cortés, A Stefaniu, T Siméon
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 70 (1), 131-143, 2008
Enhancing the transition-based RRT to deal with complex cost spaces
D Devaurs, T Siméon, J Cortés
2013 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 4120-4125, 2013
Full-pose manipulation control of a cable-suspended load with multiple UAVs under uncertainties
D Sanalitro, HJ Savino, M Tognon, J Cortés, A Franchi
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 2185-2191, 2020
Small-angle scattering studies of intrinsically disordered proteins and their complexes
TN Cordeiro, F Herranz-Trillo, A Urbanek, A Estaña, J Cortés, N Sibille, ...
Current opinion in structural biology 42, 15-23, 2017
Disassembly path planning for complex articulated objects
J Cortés, L Jaillet, T Siméon
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (2), 475-481, 2008
Motion planning for 6-D manipulation with aerial towed-cable systems
M Manubens, D Devaurs, L Ros, J Cortés
Robotics: science and systems (RSS), 8p., 2013
Conformational buffering underlies functional selection in intrinsically disordered protein regions
NS Gonzalez-Foutel, J Glavina, WM Borcherds, M Safranchik, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 29 (8), 781-790, 2022
Planning pick-and-place tasks with two-hand regrasping
JP Saut, M Gharbi, J Cortés, D Sidobre, T Siméon
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
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Articles 1–20