Larry Finkelstein
Larry Finkelstein
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Backtrack searching in the presence of symmetry
CA Brown, L Finkelstein, PW Purdom
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 6th …, 1989
Fast Monte Carlo algorithms for permutation groups
L Babai, G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, E Luks, Á Seress
Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1991
Computing the discrete Fourier transform using residue number systems in a ring of algebraic integers
J Cozzens, L Finkelstein
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31 (5), 580-588, 1985
New methods for using Cayley graphs in interconnection networks
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein
Discrete Applied Mathematics 37, 95-118, 1992
The maximal subgroups of Conway's group C3 and McLaughlin's group
L Finkelstein
Journal of Algebra 25 (1), 58-89, 1973
Applications of cayley graphs
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, N Sarawagi
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 8th …, 1991
Maximal subgroups of the Hall-Janko-Wales group
L Finkelstein, A Rudvalis
Journal of Algebra 24 (3), 486-493, 1973
Nearly linear time algorithms for permutation groups with a small base
L Babai, G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, Á Seress
Proceedings of the 1991 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1991
Constructing permutation representations for large matrix groups
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, B York, M Tselman
Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1994
The maximal subgroups of Janko's simple group of order 50, 232, 960
L Finkelstein, A Rudvalis
Journal of Algebra 30 (1-3), 122-143, 1974
Combinatorial Tools for Computational Group Theory.
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein
Groups and Computation, 53-86, 1991
A new base change algorithm for permutation groups
CA Brown, L Finkelstein, PW Purdom, Jr
SIAM Journal on Computing 18 (5), 1037-1047, 1989
Backtrack searching in the presence of symmetry
CA Brown, L Finkelstein, PW Purdom Jr
Nordic Journal of Computing 3 (3), 203-219, 1996
A random base change algorithm for permutation groups
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, N Sarawagi
Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1990
Range and error analysis for a fast Fourier transform computed over
J Cozzens, L Finkelstein
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33 (4), 582-590, 1987
Constructive recognition of a black box group isomorphic to GL (n, 2).
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, S Linton
Groups and Computation, 85-100, 1995
Groups and Computation: Workshop on Groups and Computation, October 7-10, 1991
L Finkelstein, WM Kantor
American Mathematical Soc., 1993
Applying the classification theorem for finite simple groups to minimize pin count in uniform permutation architectures
L Finkelstein, D Kleitman, T Leighton
Aegean Workshop on Computing, 247-256, 1988
Reduction of group constructions to point stabilizers
G Cooperman, L Finkelstein, E Luks
Proceedings of the ACM-SIGSAM 1989 international symposium on Symbolic and …, 1989
Groups and Computation II: Workshop on Groups and Computation, June 7-10, 1995
L Finkelstein, WM Kantor
American Mathematical Soc., 1997
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Articles 1–20