Ossi Rahkonen
Ossi Rahkonen
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Socioeconomic status and smoking: analysing inequalities with multiple indicators
M Laaksonen, O Rahkonen, S Karvonen, E Lahelma
The European Journal of Public Health 15 (3), 262-269, 2005
Obesity and loss of disease-free years owing to major non-communicable diseases: a multicohort study
ST Nyberg, GD Batty, J Pentti, M Virtanen, L Alfredsson, EI Fransson, ...
The lancet Public health 3 (10), e490-e497, 2018
Health behaviours as explanations for educational level differences in cardiovascular and all-cause mortality: a follow-up of 60 000 men and women over 23 years
M Laaksonen, K Talala, T Martelin, O Rahkonen, E Roos, S Helakorpi, ...
European journal of public health 18 (1), 38-43, 2008
Multiple socio-economic circumstances and healthy food habits
T Lallukka, M Laaksonen, O Rahkonen, E Roos, E Lahelma
European journal of clinical nutrition 61 (6), 701-710, 2007
Socioeconomic position and self-rated health: the contribution of childhood socioeconomic circumstances, adult socioeconomic status, and material resources
M Laaksonen, O Rahkonen, P Martikainen, E Lahelma
American Journal of Public Health 95 (8), 1403-1409, 2005
Association of healthy lifestyle with years lived without major chronic diseases
ST Nyberg, A Singh-Manoux, J Pentti, IEH Madsen, S Sabia, L Alfredsson, ...
JAMA internal medicine 180 (5), 760-768, 2020
Associations of job strain and working overtime with adverse health behaviors and obesity: evidence from the Whitehall II Study, Helsinki Health Study, and the Japanese Civil …
T Lallukka, E Lahelma, O Rahkonen, E Roos, E Laaksonen, ...
Social science & medicine 66 (8), 1681-1698, 2008
Well-being and health behaviour by parental socioeconomic status: a follow-up study of adolescents aged 16 until age 32 years
T Huurre, H Aro, O Rahkonen
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 38, 249-255, 2003
Past or present? Childhood living conditions and current socioeconomic status as determinants of adult health
O Rahkonen, E Lahelma, M Huuhka
Social science & medicine 44 (3), 327-336, 1997
Long working hours and depressive symptoms: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data
M Virtanen, M Jokela, IEH Madsen, LLM Hanson, T Lallukka, ST Nyberg, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 44 (3), 239-250, 2018
Gender differences in illhealth in Finland: patterns, magnitude and change
E Lahelma, P Martikainen, O Rahkonen, K Silventoinen
Social science & medicine 48 (1), 7-19, 1999
Working conditions as risk factors for disability retirement: a longitudinal register linkage study
E Lahelma, M Laaksonen, T Lallukka, P Martikainen, O Pietiläinen, ...
BMC public health 12, 1-10, 2012
Working conditions and health behaviours among employed women and men: the Helsinki Health Study
T Lallukka, S Sarlio-Lähteenkorva, E Roos, M Laaksonen, O Rahkonen, ...
Preventive medicine 38 (1), 48-56, 2004
Socioeconomic circumstances and common mental disorders among Finnish and British public sector employees: evidence from the Helsinki Health Study and the Whitehall II Study
E Laaksonen, P Martikainen, E Lahelma, T Lallukka, O Rahkonen, J Head, ...
International journal of epidemiology 36 (4), 776-786, 2007
Social background, adult body-height and health.
K Silventoinen, E Lahelma, O Rahkonen
International journal of epidemiology 28 (5), 911-918, 1999
Bidirectional associations between insomnia symptoms and unhealthy behaviours
P Haario, O Rahkonen, M Laaksonen, E Lahelma, TEA Lallukka
Journal of sleep research 22 (1), 89-95, 2013
Multiple measures of socioeconomic circumstances and common mental disorders
E Lahelma, M Laaksonen, P Martikainen, O Rahkonen, ...
Social science & medicine 63 (5), 1383-1399, 2006
Cohort profile: the Helsinki health study
E Lahelma, A Aittomäki, M Laaksonen, T Lallukka, P Martikainen, K Piha, ...
International journal of epidemiology 42 (3), 722-730, 2013
Sociodemographic and socioeconomic differences in sleep duration and insomnia-related symptoms in Finnish adults
T Lallukka, L Sares-Jäske, E Kronholm, K Sääksjärvi, A Lundqvist, ...
BMC public Health 12, 1-22, 2012
Occupational class inequalities across key domains of health: results from the Helsinki Health Study
E Lahelma, P Martikainen, O Rahkonen, E Roos, P Saastamoinen
The European Journal of Public Health 15 (5), 504-510, 2005
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