Preben Holst Mogensen
Preben Holst Mogensen
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Cited by
Methods: Organising principles and general guidelines for participatory design projects
T Bratteteig, K Bødker, Y Dittrich, PH Mogensen, J Simonsen
Routledge international handbook of participatory design, 117-144, 2012
Towards a prototyping approach in systems development
PH Mogensen
DAIMI Report Series 21 (412), 1992
Landscapes of practice: Bricolage as a method for situated design
M Büscher, S Gill, P Mogensen, D Shapiro
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 10, 1-28, 2001
CSCW challenges: Cooperative design in engineering projects
K Grønbæk, M Kyng, P Mogensen
Communications of the ACM 36 (6), 67-77, 1993
Toward a cooperative experimental system development approach
K Grønbæk, M Kyng, P Mogensen
Ways of grounding imagination
M Büscher, MA Eriksen, JF Kristensen, PH Mogensen
Proceedings of the eighth conference on Participatory design: Artful …, 2004
Challenging practice: An approach to cooperative analysis
PH Mogensen
DAIMI Report Series, 1994
The MAD experience: Multiperspective application development in evolutionary prototyping
M Christensen, A Crabtree, CH Damm, KM Hansen, OL Madsen, ...
ECOOP’98—Object-Oriented Programming: 12th European Conference Brussels …, 1998
Disordered mobility of large joints in association with neuropathy in patients with long‐standing insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus
H Andersen, PH Mogensen
Diabetic medicine 14 (3), 221-227, 1997
Artifacts as triggers for participatory analysis
PH Mogensen, R Trigg
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (PDC), 55-62, 1992
Promises, premises and risks: Sharing responsibilities, working up trust and sustaining commitment in participatory design projects
M Büscher, D Shapiro, M Hartswood, R Procter, R Slack, A Voß, ...
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, 183-192, 2002
Collaborative augmented reality environments: integrating VR, working materials, and distributed work spaces
M Büscher, M Christensen, K Grønbæk, P Krogh, P Mogensen, D Shapiro, ...
Proceedings of the third international conference on Collaborative virtual …, 2000
The Manufaktur: Supporting Work Practice in (Landscape) Architecture
M Büscher, P Mogensen, D Shapiro, I Wagner
ECSCW’99: Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1999
Designing for material practices of coordinating emergency teamwork
M Büscher, P Mogensen
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2007
Spaces of practice
M Büscher, P Mogensen, D Shapiro
ECSCW 2001: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer …, 2001
Hypermedia in the virtual project room-toward open 3D spatial hypermedia
P Mogensen, K Grønbæk
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM on Hypertext and hypermedia, 113-122, 2000
Bottom-up, top-down? Connecting software architecture design with use
M Büscher, M Christensen, KM Hansen, P Mogensen, D Shapiro
Configuring user-designer relations: Interdisciplinary perspectives, 157-191, 2009
The AT-Project: practical research in cooperative design
S Bødker
DAIMI Report Series, 1993
When survival is an issue: PD in support of landscape architecture
PH Mogensen, D Shapiro
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 7, 187-203, 1998
CSCW challenges in large-scale technical projects—a case study
K Grønbæk, M Kyng, P Mogensen
Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative …, 1992
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Articles 1–20