Runsheng Benson Guo
Runsheng Benson Guo
Other namesRunsheng Guo, Benson Guo
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Cited by
Radarnet: Exploiting radar for robust perception of dynamic objects
B Yang, R Guo, M Liang, S Casas, R Urtasun
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Rethinking closed-loop training for autonomous driving
C Zhang, R Guo, W Zeng, Y Xiong, B Dai, R Hu, M Ren, R Urtasun
Computer Vision–ECCV 2022: 17th European Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel …, 2022
Research challenges in deep reinforcement learning-based join query optimization
RB Guo, K Daudjee
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial …, 2020
Hydrozoa: Dynamic Hybrid-Parallel DNN Training on Serverless Containers
R Guo, V Guo, A Kim, J Hildred, K Daudjee
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems 4, 779-794, 2022
Systems and Methods for Integrating Radar Data for Improved Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
R Urtasun, B Yang, M Liang, S Casas, RB Guo
US Patent App. 17/150,590, 2021
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