Iain Knight
Iain Knight
Director Apollo Vehicle Safety
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Automated emergency brake systems: Technical requirements, costs and benefits (TRL Published Project Report PPR 227)
C Grover, I Knight, F Okoro, I Simmons, G Couper, P Massie, B Smith
Crowthorne: Transportation Research Library http://ec. europa. eu/enterprise …, 2008
Autonomous emergency braking test results
W Hulshof, I Knight, A Edwards, M Avery, C Grover
Proceedings of the 23rd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced …, 2013
Longer and/or Longer and Heavier Goods Vehicles (LHVs): A study of the likely effects if permitted in the UK: Final Report
I Knight, W Newton, A McKinnon, A Palmer, T Barlow, I McCrae, M Dodd, ...
TRL, Published Project Report PPR285. Available at: https://www …, 2008
Longer and/or longer and heavier goods vehicles (LHVs): a study of the likely effects if permitted in the UK
I Knight, W Newton, T Barlow, I McCrae, M Dodd, G Couper, H Davies, ...
TRL, 2008
Daytime Running Lights (DRL): A review of the reports from the European Commission
I Knight, B Sexton, R Bartlett, T Barlow, S Latham, I McCrae
TRL, 2006
Evaluation of pedestrian targets for use in automomous emergengy brake system testing-a report from the harmonistion platform 2 dealing with test equipment
P Lemmen, J Stoll, U Bergelt, P Seiniger, M Wisch, O Bartels, E Schubert, ...
23rd Conference on the Enhancement of the Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 2013
Road safety strategy beyond 2010-a scoping study
J Broughton, B Johnson, I Knight, B Lawton, D Lynam, P Whitfield, ...
Road Safety Research Report, 2009
Assessing the likely effects of potential changes to European heavy vehicle weights and dimensions regulations (Project Inception Report)
I Knight, A Burgess, H Maurer, B Jacob, M Irzik, L Aarts, I Vierth
Berkshire, United Kingdom: Transport Research Laboratory, 2010
The reliability of electronicallly controlled systems on vehicles
I Knight, A Eaton, D Whitehead
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), 2001
A study of possible future developments of methods to protect pedestrians and other vulnerable road users
BJ Hardy, GJL Lawrence, IM Knight, ICP Simmons, JA Carroll, G Coley, ...
TRL Project Report, 2007
Analysis of bus collisions and identification of countermeasures
A Edwards, A Barrow, S O'Connell, V Krishnamurthy, R Khatry, N Hylands, ...
The likely effects of permitting longer semi-trailers in the UK: vehicle specification performance and safety
I Knight, T Robinson, B Robinson, T Barlow, I McCrae, A Odhams, ...
TRL, 2010
A study of the implementation of Directive 2007/38/EC on the retrofitting of blind spot mirrors to HGVs
I Knight
TRL Published Project Report, 2012
Provision of information and services on the subject of the performance requirements, testing methods and limit values for braking systems of agricultural and forestry tractors …
M Dodd, R Bartlett, I Knight
TRL Unpublished Project Report No. UPR/VE/064/07, UK, Wokingham, 2007
Definition of direct vision standards for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)
T Robinson, I Knight, P Martin, J Manning, V Eyers
Transport for London, 2016
New and improved accident reconstruction techniques for modern vehicles equipped with esc systems
RF Lambourn, PW Jennings, I Knight, T Brightman
Published project report, 2007
Analysis of accidents involving light commercial vehicles in the UK
T Smith, I Knight
19th International Technical Conference of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles …, 2005
Summary of UK accident data
T Smith, I Knight
Advance Protection System (APROSYS) SP21-0038, 2005
Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by trucks overtaking or turning left
R Cookson, I Knight
TRL Published Project Report, 2010
Improvement of Vehicle Crash Compatibility through the Development of Crash Test Procedures (VC-COMPAT)-Final Report
M Edwards, P de Coo, C van der Zweep, R Thomson, R Damm, T Martin, ...
GRD2/2001/50083, 2007
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20