Raajay Viswanathan
Cited by
Cited by
OpenNF: Enabling innovation in network function control
A Gember-Jacobson, R Viswanathan, C Prakash, R Grandl, J Khalid, ...
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 44 (4), 163-174, 2014
Fast control plane analysis using an abstract representation
A Gember-Jacobson, R Viswanathan, A Akella, R Mahajan
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 300-313, 2016
{CLARINET}:{WAN-Aware} Optimization for Analytics Queries
R Viswanathan, G Ananthanarayanan, A Akella
12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2016
Multilabel classification using bayesian compressed sensing
A Kapoor, R Viswanathan, P Jain
Advances in neural information processing systems 25, 2012
Efficiently delivering online services over integrated infrastructure
HH Liu, R Viswanathan, M Calder, A Akella, R Mahajan, J Padhye, ...
13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2016
Discovering injective episodes with general partial orders
A Achar, S Laxman, R Viswanathan, PS Sastry
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 25, 67-108, 2012
Network-accelerated distributed machine learning for multi-tenant settings
R Viswanathan, A Balasubramanian, A Akella
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 447-461, 2020
Whiz:{Data-Driven} Analytics Execution
R Grandl, A Singhvi, R Viswanathan, A Akella
18th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2021
A learning framework for self-tuning histograms
R Viswanathan, P Jain, S Laxman, A Arasu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.7295, 2011
Discovering general partial orders in event streams
A Achar, S Laxman, R Viswanathan, PS Sastry
arXiv preprint arXiv:0902.1227, 2009
Network-accelerated distributed machine learning using mlfabric
R Viswanathan, A Akella
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00434, 2019
Whiz: A fast and flexible data analytics system
R Grandl, A Singhvi, R Viswanathan, A Akella
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10272, 2017
Effectively operating and adjusting an infrastructure for supporting distributed applications
M Zhang, H Liu, JD Padhye, R Mahajan, SA Akella, R Viswanathan, ...
US Patent App. 14/720,653, 2016
Efficient discovery of large synchronous events in neural spike streams
R Viswanathan, PS Sastry, KP Unnikrishnan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.1543, 2010
Cloud architecture with state-saving middlebox scaling
AR Gember-Jacobson, SA Akella, CM Prakash, R Viswanathan
US Patent 9,705,785, 2017
Towards Cross-layer Optimizations for Network-bound Applications Deployed in the Cloud
R Viswanathan
University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2018
F2: Reenvisioning Data Analytics Systems
R Grandl, A Singhvi, R Viswanathan, A Akella
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Articles 1–17