Arho Toikka
Arho Toikka
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Suomalainen maku: Kulttuuripääoma, kulutus ja elämäntyylien sosiaalinen eriytyminen
S Purhonen, J Gronow, R Heikkilä, N Kahma, K Rahkonen, A Toikka
Gaudeamus, 2014
Social capital and governance: a social network analysis of forest biodiversity collaboration in Central Finland
R Borg, A Toikka, E Primmer
Forest Policy and Economics 50, 90-97, 2015
Cultural map of Finland 2007: Analysing cultural differences using multiple correspondence analysis
N Kahma, A Toikka
Cultural Trends 21 (2), 113-131, 2012
Opportunities and obstacles for CO2 mineralization: CO2 mineralization specific frames in the interviews of Finnish carbon capture and storage (CCS) experts
L Kainiemi, S Eloneva, A Toikka, J Levänen, M Järvinen
Journal of Cleaner Production 94, 352-358, 2015
The density of electronic gambling machines and area-level socioeconomic status in Finland: a country with a legal monopoly on gambling and a decentralised system of EGMs
S Raisamo, A Toikka, J Selin, M Heiskanen
BMC Public Health 19, 1-7, 2019
General public reactions to carbon capture and storage: Does culture matter?
F Karimi, A Toikka
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 70, 193-201, 2018
Comparative socio-cultural analysis of risk perception of Carbon Capture and Storage in the European Union
F Karimi, A Toikka, JI Hukkinen
Energy Research & Social Science, 2016
Energetic voices on social media? Strategic Niche Management and Finnish Facebook debate on biogas and heat pumps
S Rantala, A Toikka, A Pulkka, J Lyytimäki
Energy Research & Social Science 62, 101362, 2020
Governance theory as a framework for empirical research: A case study on local environmental policy-making in Helsinki, Finland
A Toikka
Helsingin yliopisto, 2011
Exploring the composition of communication networks of governance–a case study on local environmental policy in Helsinki, Finland
A Toikka
Environmental Policy and Governance 20 (2), 135-145, 2010
A Big Data View of the European Energy Union: Shifting from'a Floating Signifier'to an Active Driver of Decarbonisation?
K Isoaho, F Moilanen, A Toikka
Politics and Governance 7 (1), 28-44, 2019
The limits of collaborative governance: The role of inter‐group learning and trust in the case of the Estonian “Forest War”
P Vihma, A Toikka
Environmental Policy and Governance 31 (5), 403-416, 2021
”Big datan” haaste ja uudet laskennalliset tekstiaineistojen analyysimenetelmät. Esimerkkitapauksena aihemallianalyysi tasavallan presidenttien uudenvuodenpuheista 1935–2015
S Purhonen, A Toikka
Sosiologia 53 (1), 2016
The relation between cultural structures and risk perception: How does social acceptance of carbon capture and storage emerge?
F Karimi, A Toikka
Energy Procedia 63, 7087-7095, 2014
Clustering Finnish gambler profiles based on the money and time consumed in gambling activities
M Heiskanen, A Toikka
Journal of Gambling Studies 32, 363-377, 2016
Onko hajasijoitettujen rahapeliautomaattien suhteellinen määrä suurempi sosioekonomisesti haavoittuvilla asuinalueilla?
J Selin, S Raisamo, M Heiskanen, A Toikka
Monimutkaiset sopeutuvat järjestelmät ja ympäristöongelmien synty
A Toikka
Vihreä teoria: ympäristö yhteiskuntateorioissa toimittanut Ilmo Massa, 315-337, 2009
Coming to grips with scientific ignorance in the governance of endocrine disrupting chemicals and nanoparticles
N Honkela, A Toikka, J Hukkinen, T Honkela
Environmental science & policy 38, 154-163, 2014
Governance theory as a framework for empirical research
A Toikka
A Case Study on Local Environmental Policy-Making in Helsinki, Finland …, 2011
Governance network structures and urban environmental policy making—a case study in Helsinki, Finland
A Toikka
Boreal environment research 14, 110, 2009
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