Rachel Dunifon
Rachel Dunifon
Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
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Who’s in the house? Race differences in cohabitation, single parenthood, and child development
R Dunifon, L Kowaleski–Jones
Child development 73 (4), 1249-1264, 2002
State‐level predictors of food insecurity among households with children
J Bartfeld, R Dunifon
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2006
The influence of grandparents on the lives of children and adolescents
R Dunifon
Child Development Perspectives 7 (1), 55-60, 2013
Soft-skills and long-run labor market success
GJ Duncan, R Dunifon
Available at SSRN 112431, 1998
The influences of participation in the National School Lunch Program and food insecurity on child well-being
R Dunifon, L Kowaleski-Jones
Social Service Review 77 (1), 72-92, 2003
Long-run effects of motivation on labor-market success
R Dunifon, GJ Duncan
Social Psychology Quarterly, 33-48, 1998
The role of grandparents in the lives of youth
R Dunifon, A Bajracharya
Journal of family issues 33 (9), 1168-1194, 2012
Mothering experiences: How single parenthood and employment structure the emotional valence of parenting
A Meier, K Musick, S Flood, R Dunifon
Demography 53 (3), 649-674, 2016
Maternal employment, work schedules, and children’s body mass index
TW Morrissey, RE Dunifon, A Kalil
Child development 82 (1), 66-81, 2011
Grandparent coresidence and family well-being: Implications for research and policy
RE Dunifon, KM Ziol-Guest, K Kopko
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 654 (1 …, 2014
The influence of grandparents in single‐mother families
R Dunifon, L Kowaleski‐Jones
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (2), 465-481, 2007
Backup parents, playmates, friends: Grandparents' time with grandchildren
RE Dunifon, CE Near, KM Ziol‐Guest
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (3), 752-767, 2018
Employment patterns of less-skilled workers: Links to children’s behavior and academic progress
RC Johnson, A Kalil, RE Dunifon
Demography 49, 747-772, 2012
Maternal working conditions and child well-being in welfare-leaving families.
R Dunifon, A Kalil, A Bajracharya
Developmental psychology 41 (6), 851, 2005
Understanding grandfamilies: Characteristics of grandparents, nonresident parents, and children
NV Pilkauskas, RE Dunifon
Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (3), 623-633, 2016
Maternal work behavior under welfare reform: How does the transition from welfare to work affect child development?
R Dunifon, A Kalil, SK Danziger
Children and Youth Services Review 25 (1-2), 55-82, 2003
Historical trends in children living in multigenerational households in the United States: 1870–2018
NV Pilkauskas, M Amorim, RE Dunifon
Demography 57, 2269-2296, 2020
As ye sweep, so shall ye reap
R Dunifon, GJ Duncan, J Brooks-Gunn
American Economic Review 91 (2), 150-154, 2001
Parental employment and children's body weight: Mothers, others, and mechanisms
KM Ziol-Guest, RE Dunifon, A Kalil
Social Science & Medicine 95, 52-59, 2013
Mothers’ night work and children’s behavior problems.
R Dunifon, A Kalil, DA Crosby, JH Su
Developmental Psychology 49 (10), 1874, 2013
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Articles 1–20