Andrew Foster
Cited by
Cited by
Learning by doing and learning from others: Human capital and technical change in agriculture
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Journal of political Economy 103 (6), 1176-1209, 1995
Microeconomics of technology adoption
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Annu. Rev. Econ. 2 (1), 395-424, 2010
Technical change and human-capital returns and investments: evidence from the green revolution
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
The American economic review, 931-953, 1996
Institutions and behavior: Experimental evidence on the effects of democracy
PD Bó, A Foster, L Putterman
American Economic Review 100 (5), 2205-2229, 2010
Women's schooling, home teaching, and economic growth
JR Behrman, AD Foster, MR Rosenweig, P Vashishtha
Journal of political Economy 107 (4), 682-714, 1999
Imperfect commitment, altruism, and the family: Evidence from transfer behavior in low-income rural areas
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Review of Economics and Statistics 83 (3), 389-407, 2001
Agricultural productivity growth, rural economic diversity, and economic reforms: India, 1970–2000
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Economic Development and Cultural Change 52 (3), 509-542, 2004
Economic growth and the rise of forests
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 118 (2), 601-637, 2003
An empirical relationship between PM2. 5 and aerosol optical depth in Delhi Metropolitan
N Kumar, A Chu, A Foster
Atmospheric Environment 41 (21), 4492-4503, 2007
Prices, credit markets and child growth in low-income rural areas
AD Foster
The economic journal 105 (430), 551-570, 1995
Are there too many farms in the world? labor market transaction costs, machine capacities, and optimal farm size
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Journal of Political Economy 130 (3), 636-680, 2022
A test for moral hazard in the labor market: Contractual arrangements, effort, and health
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 213-227, 1994
Democratization, decentralization and the distribution of local public goods in a poor rural economy
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
PIER working paper, 2001
Economic development and the decline of agricultural employment
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Handbook of development economics 4, 3051-3083, 2007
The dynamics of agricultural production and the calorie-income relationship: Evidence from Pakistan
JR Behrman, AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Journal of Econometrics 77 (1), 187-207, 1997
Household division and rural economic growth
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
The Review of Economic Studies 69 (4), 839-869, 2002
Fertility decline in Africa
E Van de Walle, AD Foster
Assessment and prospects, Washington, The World Bank (World Bank Technical …, 1990
Information, learning, and wage rates in low-income rural areas
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Journal of Human resources, 759-790, 1993
Agricultural development, industrialization and rural inequality
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
unpublished, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003
Are Indian farms too small? Mechanization, agency costs, and farm efficiency
AD Foster, MR Rosenzweig
Unpublished Manuscript, Brown University and Yale University, 2011
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Articles 1–20