Harri Luomala
Harri Luomala
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Exploring consumers' product‐specific colour meanings
H Kauppinen‐Räisänen, HT Luomala
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 13 (3), 287-308, 2010
Contributions from mood research
HT Luomala, M Laaksonen
Psychology & Marketing 17 (3), 195-233, 2000
Food choice motives and bread liking of consumers embracing hedonistic and traditional values
T Pohjanheimo, R Paasovaara, H Luomala, M Sandell
Appetite 54 (1), 170-180, 2010
Understanding consumers' brand‐induced food taste perception: A comparison of ‘brand familiarity’–and ‘consumer value–brand symbolism (in) congruity’–accounts
R Paasovaara, HT Luomala, T Pohjanheimo, M Sandell
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 11 (1), 11-20, 2012
A qualitative exploration of mood-regulatory self-gift behaviors
HT Luomala, M Laaksonen
Journal of Economic Psychology 20 (2), 147-182, 1999
Exploring the role of food origin as a source of meanings for consumers and as a determinant of consumers' actual food choices
HT Luomala
Journal of Business Research 60 (2), 122-129, 2007
A qualitative exploration of a consumer's value‐based e‐trust building process: A framework development
K Pennanen, T Tiainen, HT Luomala
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 10 (1), 28-47, 2007
Dear Mr Chocolate: Constructing a typology of contextualized chocolate consumption experiences through qualitative diary research
L Zarantonello, HT Luomala
Qualitative market research: An international Journal 14 (1), 55-82, 2011
Sweet taste of prosocial status signaling: When eating organic foods makes you happy and hopeful
P Puska, S Kurki, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala
Appetite 121, 348-359, 2018
Mood-regulatory self-gifts: Development of a conceptual framework
HT Luomala, M Laaksonen
Journal of Economic Psychology 18 (4), 407-434, 1997
A mood-alleviative perspective on self-gift behaviours: Stimulating consumer behaviour theory development
HT Luomala
Journal of Marketing Management 14 (1-3), 109-132, 1998
An empirical analysis of the practices and therapeutic power of mood‐alleviative consumption in Finland
HT Luomala
Psychology & Marketing 19 (10), 813-836, 2002
Perceived health and taste ambivalence in food consumption
H Luomala, M Jokitalo, H Karhu, HL Hietaranta-Luoma, A Hopia, ...
Journal of Consumer Marketing 32 (4), 290-301, 2015
Sweet and sour: music and taste associations
M Kontukoski, H Luomala, B Mesz, M Sigman, M Trevisan, ...
Nutrition & Food Science 45 (3), 357-376, 2015
Get some respect–buy organic foods! When everyday consumer choices serve as prosocial status signaling
H Luomala, P Puska, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, S Kurki
Appetite 145, 104492, 2020
How do consumers solve value conflicts in food choices? An empirical description and points for theory-building
HT Luomala, P Laaksonen, H Leipämaa
Advances in Consumer Research 31 (1), 564-570, 2004
The dynamics of (de) stigmatization: Boundary construction in the nascent category of organic farming
M Siltaoja, M Lähdesmaki, N Granqvist, S Kurki, P Puska, H Luomala
Organization Studies 41 (7), 993-1018, 2020
Gamified package: Consumer insights into multidimensional brand engagement
H Syrjälä, H Kauppinen-Räisänen, HT Luomala, TN Joelsson, K Könnölä, ...
Journal of business research 119, 423-434, 2020
Understanding how retail environments are perceived: a conceptualization and a pilot study
HT Luomala
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 13 (3 …, 2003
Male-male status signaling through favoring organic foods: Is the signaler perceived and treated as a friend or foe?
P Puska, S Kurki, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala
Psychology & Marketing 33 (10), 843-855, 2016
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