Johanna Meurer
Johanna Meurer
Institute for Information Systems, University of Siegen
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Exploring human-robot interaction with the elderly: results from a ten-week case study in a care home
F Carros, J Meurer, D Löffler, D Unbehaun, S Matthies, I Koch, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Social dependency and mobile autonomy: supporting older adults' mobility with ridesharing ict
J Meurer, M Stein, D Randall, M Rohde, V Wulf
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2014
Designing for sustainability: Key issues of ICT projects for ageing at home
J Meurer, C Müller, C Simone, I Wagner, V Wulf
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 27, 495-537, 2018
Mobility in later life: Appropriation of an integrated transportation platform
M Stein, J Meurer, A Boden, V Wulf
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
A wizard of oz study on passengers' experiences of a robo-taxi service in real-life settings
J Meurer, C Pakusch, G Stevens, D Randall, V Wulf
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1365-1377, 2020
Traditional taxis vs automated taxis–Does the driver matter for Millennials?
C Pakusch, J Meurer, P Tolmie, G Stevens
Travel Behaviour and Society 21, 214-225, 2020
Designing mobility eco-feedback for elderly users
J Meurer, D Lawo, L Janßen, V Wulf
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Designing for way-finding as practices–A study of elderly people's mobility
J Meurer, M Stein, D Randall, V Wulf
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 115, 40-51, 2018
Knowledge Management-in-action in an EUD-oriented Software Enterprise
B Nett, J Meurer, G Stevens
IFIP World Computer Congress, TC 12, 139-149, 2008
Arbeitsdefinition und Kategorisierung von Living Labs: Arbeitspapier im Arbeitspaket 1 (AP 1.1 c) im INNOLAB Projekt" Living Labs in der Green Economy: realweltliche …
J Meurer, L Erdmann, J Geibler, L Echternacht
Univ. Siegen, 2015
Opportunities for Sustainable Mobility: Re-thinking Eco-feedback from a Citizen's Perspective
J Meurer, D Lawo, C Pakusch, P Tolmie, V Wulf
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities …, 2019
Methoden im Living Lab: Unterstützung der Nutzerintegration in offenen Innovationsprozessen (Entwurf Methodenhandbuch); Arbeitspapier im Arbeitspaket 2 (AS 2.2) im INNOLAB …
L Echternacht, J Geibler, K Stadler, J Behrend, J Meurer
Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie, 2016
FRAMES A Framework for Adaptable Mobile Event-Contingent Self-report Studies
J Dax, T Ludwig, J Meurer, V Pipek, M Stein, G Stevens
End-User Development: 5th International Symposium, IS-EUD 2015, Madrid …, 2015
Designing cooperation for sustainable mobility: Mobile methods in ridesharing contexts
J Meurer, M Stein, V Wulf
COOP 2014-Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Design of …, 2014
Living Labs zur Gestaltung innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte für ältere Menschen.
J Meurer, M Stein, G Stevens
MuC (Workshopband), 95-102, 2013
Gestaltungsoptionen technischer Assistenzsysteme unter dem Blickwinkel der Nachhaltigkeit
B Gransche, L Erdmann
Arbeitspapier im Arbeitspaket 1, 2015
Motivating Elderly People to Use Fall Preventive Exercise Training Games at Home: Are Community Based ICT Features Always a Good Choice?
J Meurer, R Wieching
Designing for Inter/Generational Communities, 28, 2012
A dialectic view on Open Innovation
G Stevens, T Schwartz, J Meurer
& Wulf, V.(2020, April). Exploring human-robot interaction with the elderly: results from a ten-week case study in a care home
F Carros, J Meurer, D Löffler, D Unbehaun, S Matthies, I Koch
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 0
Basisstudie Nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung in KMU: Herausforderungen und Ansatzpunkte des verbesserten Zugangs von KMU zu nutzerbezogenen Informationen
J Meurer
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Articles 1–20