Yingyue Xu
Yingyue Xu
Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis, University of Oulu
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Cited by
Analyzing the group sparsity based on the rank minimization methods
Z Zha, X Liu, X Huang, H Shi, Y Xu, Q Wang, L Tang, X Zhang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 883-888, 2017
Structured modeling of joint deep feature and prediction refinement for salient object detection
Y Xu, D Xu, X Hong, W Ouyang, R Ji, M Xu, G Zhao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
A boost in revealing subtle facial expressions: A consolidated eulerian framework
W Peng, X Hong, Y Xu, G Zhao
2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …, 2019
LBP-TOP: a Tensor Unfolding Revisit.
X Hong, Y Xu, G Zhao
ACCV Workshop on Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysis (SFBA2), 2016
Saliency integration: An arbitrator model
Y Xu, X Hong, F Porikli, X Liu, J Chen, G Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 21 (1), 98-113, 2018
Saliency detection via bi-directional propagation
Y Xu, X Hong, X Liu, G Zhao
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 53, 113-121, 2018
A task-driven eye tracking dataset for visual attention analysis
Y Xu, X Hong, Q He, G Zhao, M Pietikäinen
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 16th International …, 2015
Computational modeling for visual attention analysis
Y Xu
University of Oulu, 2020
Salient Object Detection with CNNs and Multi-scale CRFs
Y Xu, X Hong, G Zhao
Image Analysis: 21st Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2019, Norrköping, Sweden …, 2019
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Articles 1–9