Hayley V. MacDonald
Hayley V. MacDonald
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Exercise for hypertension: a prescription update integrating existing recommendations with emerging research
LS Pescatello, HV MacDonald, L Lamberti, BT Johnson
Current hypertension reports 17, 1-10, 2015
Dynamic resistance training as stand‐alone antihypertensive lifestyle therapy: a meta‐analysis
HV MacDonald, BT Johnson, TB Huedo‐Medina, J Livingston, KC Forsyth, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 5 (10), e003231, 2016
Can exercise improve cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?
GA Panza, BA Taylor, HV MacDonald, BT Johnson, AL Zaleski, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 66 (3), 487-495, 2018
Assessing the existing professional exercise recommendations for hypertension: a review and recommendations for future research priorities
LS Pescatello, HV MacDonald, GI Ash, LM Lamberti, WB Farquhar, ...
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 90 (6), 801-812, 2015
The accuracy of acquiring heart rate variability from portable devices: a systematic review and meta-analysis
WC Dobbs, MV Fedewa, HV MacDonald, CJ Holmes, ZS Cicone, ...
Sports Medicine 49, 417-435, 2019
Is concurrent training efficacious antihypertensive therapy? A meta-analysis
LML Corso, HV Macdonald, BT Johnson, P Farinatti, J Livingston, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48 (12), 2398-2406, 2016
The antihypertensive effects of aerobic versus isometric handgrip resistance exercise
GI Ash, BA Taylor, PD Thompson, HV MacDonald, L Lamberti, MH Chen, ...
Journal of hypertension 35 (2), 291-299, 2017
Methodological quality of meta-analyses on the blood pressure response to exercise: a review
BT Johnson, HV MacDonald, ML Bruneau Jr, TSU Goldsby, JC Brown, ...
Journal of hypertension 32 (4), 706-723, 2014
Panning for the gold in health research: Incorporating studies’ methodological quality in meta-analysis
BT Johnson, RE Low, HV MacDonald
Psychology & Health 30 (1), 135-152, 2015
Age-based prediction of maximal heart rate in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
ZS Cicone, CJ Holmes, MV Fedewa, HV MacDonald, MR Esco
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 90 (3), 417-428, 2019
Evaluating exercise prescription and instructional methods used in tai chi studies aimed at improving balance in older adults: a systematic review
Y Wu, HV MacDonald, LS Pescatello
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64 (10), 2074-2080, 2016
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Hypertension: Current Consensus and Emerging Research
LS Pescatello, HV MacDonald, BT Johnson
Effects of Exercise on Hypertension, 3-23, 2015
Celiac disease and bone health in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MV Fedewa, JL Bentley, S Higgins, JM Kindler, MR Esco, HV MacDonald
Journal of Clinical Densitometry 23 (2), 200-211, 2020
Validity of smartphone heart rate variability pre-and post-resistance exercise
CJ Holmes, MV Fedewa, LJ Winchester, HV MacDonald, SA Wind, ...
Sensors 20 (20), 5738, 2020
Antihypertensive effects of exercise among those with resistant hypertension
GI Ash, HV MacDonald, LS Pescatello
Hypertension 61 (1), e1-e1, 2013
Small sample sizes confound understanding of cardiometabolic responses to exercise
LS Pescatello, LML Corso, HV MacDonald, PD Thompson, BA Taylor, ...
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 45 (3), 173-180, 2017
Frontal asymmetry: A novel biomarker for physical activity and sedentary behavior
AH Threadgill, RA Wilhelm, B Zagdsuren, HV MacDonald, MT Richardson, ...
Psychophysiology 57 (10), e13633, 2020
Exercise and blood pressure control in hypertension
HV MacDonald, LS Pescatello
Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Cardiometabolic Diseases: Prevention and …, 2019
Exercise prescription for hypertension: new advances for optimizing blood pressure benefits
HV MacDonald, LS Pescatello
Lifestyle in heart health and disease, 115-136, 2018
Effects of concurrent exercise on hypertension: current consensus and emerging research
HV MacDonald, PV Farinatti, L Lamberti, LS Pescatello
Effects of Exercise on Hypertension: From Cells to Physiological Systems, 47-86, 2015
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Articles 1–20