Andrew Ireland
Andrew Ireland
Professor of Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University
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Rippling: A heuristic for guiding inductive proofs
A Bundy, A Stevens, F Van Harmelen, A Ireland, A Smaill
Artificial intelligence 62 (2), 185-253, 1993
Productive use of failure in inductive proof
A Ireland, A Bundy
Automated Mathematical Induction, 79-111, 1996
Rippling: meta-level guidance for mathematical reasoning
A Bundy
Cambridge University Press, 2005
The use of planning critics in mechanizing inductive proofs
A Ireland
International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence …, 1992
Extensions to the rippling-out tactic for guiding inductive proofs
A Bundy, F Van Harmelen, A Smaill, A Ireland
10th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Kaiserslautern, FRG …, 1990
Invariant discovery via failed proof attempts
J Stark, A Ireland
International Workshop on Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation …, 1998
On the automatic discovery of loop invariants
A Ireland, J Stark
NASA Conference Publication, 137-152, 1997
On the use of the constructive omega-rule within automated deduction
S Baker, A Ireland, A Smaill
Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning: International Conference LPAR'92 …, 1992
Proof plans for the correction of false conjectures
R Monroy, A Bundy, A Ireland
Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning: 5th International Conference …, 1994
Extensions to a generalization critic for inductive proof
A Ireland, A Bundy
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 47-61, 1996
Automatic verification of functions with accumulating parameters
A Ireland, A Bundy
Journal of Functional Programming 9 (2), 225-245, 1999
Proof planning for strategy development
A Ireland, J Stark
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 29, 65-97, 2000
Towards a skeleton based parallelising compiler for SML
G Michaelson, A Ireland, P King
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Implementation of Functional …, 1997
Reasoned modelling critics: turning failed proofs into modelling guidance
A Ireland, G Grov, MT Llano, M Butler
Science of Computer Programming 78 (3), 293-309, 2013
Interactive proof critics
A Ireland, M Jackson, G Reid
Formal Aspects of Computing 11, 302-325, 1999
An integrated approach to high integrity software verification
A Ireland, BJ Ellis, A Cook, R Chapman, J Barnes
Journal of Automated Reasoning 36, 379-410, 2006
Rippling: A heuristic for guiding inductive proofs. Research Paper 567, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, 1991
A Bundy, A Stevens, F van Harmelen, A Ireland, A Smaill
Artificial Intelligence, 0
Low-level programming in Hume: an exploration of the HW-Hume level
K Hammond, G Grov, G Michaelson, A Ireland
Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 91-107, 2006
Increasing the versatility of heuristic based theorem provers
A Manning, A Ireland, A Bundy
Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning: 4th International Conference …, 1993
Formal verification of concurrent scheduling strategies using TLA
G Grov, G Michaelson, A Ireland
2007 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1-6, 2007
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Articles 1–20