Hong Zhou
Hong Zhou
Lecturer of the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University
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Cited by
Geometry-based edge clustering for graph visualization
W Cui, H Zhou, H Qu, PC Wong, X Li
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 14 (6), 1277-1284, 2008
Visual clustering in parallel coordinates
H Zhou, X Yuan, H Qu, W Cui, B Chen
Computer graphics forum 27 (3), 1047-1054, 2008
OpinionSeer: interactive visualization of hotel customer feedback
Y Wu, F Wei, S Liu, N Au, W Cui, H Zhou, H Qu
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 16 (6), 1109-1118, 2010
Scattering points in parallel coordinates
X Yuan, P Guo, H Xiao, H Zhou, H Qu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (6), 1001-1008, 2009
Edge bundling in information visualization
H Zhou, P Xu, X Yuan, H Qu
Tsinghua Science and Technology 18 (2), 145-156, 2013
Splatting the lines in parallel coordinates
H Zhou, W Cui, H Qu, Y Wu, X Yuan, W Zhuo
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (3), 759-766, 2009
Energy-based hierarchical edge clustering of graphs
H Zhou, X Yuan, W Cui, H Qu, B Chen
2008 ieee pacific visualization symposium, 55-61, 2008
Controllable and progressive edge clustering for large networks
H Qu, H Zhou, Y Wu
Graph Drawing: 14th International Symposium, GD 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany …, 2007
Watch the story unfold with textwheel: Visualization of large-scale news streams
W Cui, H Qu, H Zhou, W Zhang, S Skiena
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 3 (2), 1-17, 2012
Natural textures for weather data visualization
Y Tang, H Qu, Y Wu, H Zhou
Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'06), 741-750, 2006
Loyaltracker: Visualizing loyalty dynamics in search engines
C Shi, Y Wu, S Liu, H Zhou, H Qu
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 1733-1742, 2014
Volume visualization on mobile devices
H Zhou, H Qu, Y Wu, MY Chan
14th Pacific conference on computer graphics and applications, 76-84, 2006
Visual analysis of set relations in a graph
P Xu, F Du, N Cao, C Shi, H Zhou, H Qu
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (3pt1), 61-70, 2013
Viewpoint selection for angiographic volume
MY Chan, H Qu, Y Wu, H Zhou
Advances in Visual Computing: Second International Symposium, ISVC 2006 Lake …, 2006
Visualization of bipartite relations between graphs and sets
H Zhou, P Xu, H Qu
Journal of Visualization 18, 159-172, 2015
Focus+ context visualization with animation
Y Wu, H Qu, H Zhou, MY Chan
Advances in Image and Video Technology: First Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT …, 2006
Quantitative effectiveness measures for direct volume rendered images
Y Wu, H Qu, KK Chung, MY Chan, H Zhou
2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 1-8, 2010
Parallel coordinates with data labels
H Zhou, P Xu, Z Ming, H Qu
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Visual Information …, 2014
Fusing features in direct volume rendered images
Y Wu, H Qu, H Zhou, MY Chan
Advances in Visual Computing: Second International Symposium, ISVC 2006 Lake …, 2006
A dynamic visual interface for news stream analysis
W Cui, H Zhou, H Qu, W Zhang, S Skiena
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Intelligent visual …, 2010
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Articles 1–20