Javier Valls
Javier Valls
Profesor del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
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50 years of CORDIC: Algorithms, architectures, and applications
PK Meher, J Valls, TB Juang, K Sridharan, K Maharatna
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 56 (9), 1893-1907, 2009
The use of CORDIC in software defined radios: A tutorial
J Valls, T Sansaloni, A Perez-Pascual, V Torres, V Almenar
IEEE communications magazine 44 (9), 46-50, 2006
Evaluation of CORDIC algorithms for FPGA design
J Valls, M Kuhlmann, KK Parhi
Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image and video …, 2002
Reduced-complexity min-sum algorithm for decoding LDPC codes with low error-floor
F Angarita, J Valls, V Almenar, V Torres
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 61 (7), 2150-2158, 2014
A study about FPGA-based digital filters
J Valls, MM Peiró, T Sansaloni, E Boemo
1998 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems. SIPS 98. Design and …, 1998
Efficient pipeline FFT processors for WLAN MIMO-OFDM systems
T Sansaloni, A Perez-Pascual, V Torres, J Valls
Electronics Letters 41 (19), 1043-1044, 2005
Low cost hardware implementation of logarithm approximation
R Gutierrez, J Valls
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 19 (12 …, 2010
Simplified trellis min–max decoder architecture for nonbinary low-density parity-check codes
JO Lacruz, F García-Herrero, D Declercq, J Valls
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 23 (9 …, 2014
Area-efficient FPGA-based FFT processor
T Sansaloni, A Perez-Pascual, J Valls
Electronics Letters 39 (19), 1, 2003
One minimum only trellis decoder for non-binary low-density parity-check codes
JO Lacruz, F García-Herrero, J Valls, D Declercq
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems I: regular papers 62 (1), 177-184, 2014
Non-binary LDPC decoder based on symbol flipping with multiple votes
F Garcia-Herrero, D Declercq, J Valls
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (5), 749-752, 2014
FFT spectrum analyzer project for teaching digital signal processing with FPGA devices
T Sansaloni, A Perez-Pascual, V Torres, V Almenar, JF Toledo, J Valls
IEEE Transactions on education 50 (3), 229-235, 2007
FPGA implementation of an IF transceiver for OFDM-based WLAN
MJ Canet, F Vicedo, V Almenar, J Valls
IEEE Workshop onSignal Processing Systems, 2004. SIPS 2004., 227-232, 2004
Reduced-complexity nonbinary LDPC decoder for high-order Galois fields based on trellis min–max algorithm
JO Lacruz, F García-Herrero, MJ Canet, J Valls
IEEE Transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) Systems 24 (8 …, 2016
High-speed RS (255, 239) decoder based on LCC decoding
F Garcia-Herrero, J Valls, PK Meher
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 30, 1643-1669, 2011
Optimisation of direct digital frequency synthesisers based on CORDIC
F Cardells-Tormo, J Valls-Coquillat
Electronics Letters 37 (21), 1278-1280, 2001
Hardware architecture of a Gaussian noise generator based on the inversion method
R Gutierrez, V Torres, J Valls
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 59 (8), 501-505, 2012
Design of a digital front-end transmitter for OFDM-WLAN systems using FPGA
MJ Canet, F Vicedo, J Valls, V Almenar
First International Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal …, 2004
FPGA-implementation of atan (Y/X) based on logarithmic transformation and LUT-based techniques
R Gutierrez, V Torres, J Valls
Journal of Systems Architecture 56 (11), 588-596, 2010
Low latency T-EMS decoder for non-binary LDPC codes
E Li, F García-Herrero, D Declercq, K Gunnam, JO Lacruz, J Valls
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 831-835, 2013
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Articles 1–20