Fatih Gokce
Cited by
Cited by
Self-organized flocking in mobile robot swarms
AE Turgut, H Çelikkanat, F Gökçe, E Şahin
Swarm Intelligence 2 (2-4), 97-120, 2008
A novel hybrid PSO–GWO algorithm for optimization problems
FA Şenel, F Gökçe, AS Yüksel, T Yiğit
Engineering with Computers 35 (4), 1359-1373, 2019
Vision-based detection and distance estimation of micro unmanned aerial vehicles
F Gökçe, G Üçoluk, E Şahin, S Kalkan
Sensors 15 (9), 23805-23846, 2015
Kobot: A mobile robot designed specifically for swarm robotics research
AE Turgut, F Gokce, H Celikkanat, L Bayindir, E Sahin
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, METU-CENG-TR Tech. Rep 5 …, 2007
Modeling phase transition in self-organized mobile robot flocks
AE Turgut, C Huepe, H Çelikkanat, F Gökçe, E Şahin
International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence …, 2008
To flock or not to flock: the pros and cons of flocking in long-range" migration" of mobile robot swarms.
F Gökçe, E Sahin
AAMAS (1), 65-72, 2009
The pros and cons of flocking in the long-range “migration” of mobile robot swarms
F Gökçe, E Şahin
Theoretical Computer Science 411 (21), 2140-2154, 2010
Gri kurt optimizasyon algoritması ile iki boyutlu dizilim yazılımının geliştirilmesi
FA Şenel, AS Yüksel, F Gökçe, T Yiğit
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20 (2), 293-306, 2018
Görüntü İşleme ile Mikro İnsansız Hava Araçlarının Algılanması
F Gökçe, S Olgunsoylu, G Üçoluk, E Sahin, S Kalkan
Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK), 2014
Kobot: Suru robot çalısmaları için tasarlanmıs gezgin robot platformu
AE Turgut, F Gökçe, H Celikkanat, L Bayındır, E Sahin
TOK’07, 259, 0
Classification Of Healthy And Defective Apples Via Convolutional Neural Networks
R Dursun, F Gökçe
International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE’22), 48, 2022
Aruco ve Stag Artırılmış Gerçeklik İşaretçilerinin Bir İnsansız Hava Aracının Otonom Uçuşunda Kıyaslanması
MA Davullu, Y Yılmaz, F Gökçe
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied …, 2022
Improved Social Spider Algorithm via Differential Evolution
FA Şenel, F Gökçe, T Yiğit
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied …, 2019
Traffic Accident Detection via Deep Learning
M Gür, F Gökçe
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied …, 2019
Tracking of Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Comparative Study
F Gökçe
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied …, 2019
Vision-based detection and distance estimation of micro unmanned aerial vehicles; Mikro insansız hava araçlarının bilgısayarlı görme tabanlı algılanması ve mesafe kestirimi.
F Gökçe
Middle East Technical University, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey, 2015
Self-Organized Flocking with a Mobile Robot Swarm
AE Turgut, H Çelikkanat, F Gökçe, E Şahin
The 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems …, 2008
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Articles 1–17