René Böheim
René Böheim
Department of Economics, JKU Linz, Austria
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Tied down or room to move? Investigating the relationships between housing tenure, employment status and residential mobility in Britain
R Böheim, MP Taylor
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 49 (4), 369-392, 2002
Actual and preferred working hours
R Böheim, MP Taylor
British Journal of Industrial Relations 42 (1), 149-166, 2004
Dependent Forms of Self-employment in the UK: Identifying Workers on the Border between Employment and Self-employment
R Böheim, U Muehlberger
Journal of Labour Market Research 42 (2), 182-195, 2009
Partnership dissolution in the UK–the rôle of economic circumstances
R Böheim, J Ermisch
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 63 (2), 197-208, 2001
The search for success: do the unemployed find stable employment?
R Böheim, MP Taylor
Labour Economics 9 (6), 717–735, 2002
My Home Was My Castle: Evictions and Repossessions in Britain
R Böheim, MP Taylor
Journal of Housing Economics 9 (4), 287-319, 2000
Trade union presence and employer‐provided training in Great Britain
R Böheim, AL Booth
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 43 (3), 520-545, 2004
From the dark end of the street to the bright side of the road? The wage returns to migration in Britain
R Böheim, MP Taylor
Labour economics 14 (1), 99-117, 2007
Unemployment duration and exit states in Britain
R Böheim, MP Taylor
ISER Working Paper Series, 2000
A comparison of current and annual measures of income in the British Household Panel Survey
R Böheim, SP Jenkins
Journal of Official Statistics 22 (4), 733, 2006
And in the Evening She's a Singer with the Band-Second Jobs, Plight or Pleasure?
R Böheim, M Taylor
the Evening She's a Singer with the Band-Second Jobs, Plight or Pleasure, 2004
Job search methods, intensity and success in Britain in the 1990s
R Böheim, MP Taylor
Wage differences between Austrian men and women: semper idem?
R Böheim, H Hofer, C Zulehner
Empirica 34, 213-229, 2007
The effect of early retirement schemes on youth employment
RN Böheim
IZA World of Labor, 2019
Sickness and disability policies: Reform paths in OECD countries between 1990 and 2014
R Böheim, T Leoni
International Journal of Social Welfare, 2017
On the persistence of job creation in old and new firms
R Böheim, A Stiglbauer, R Winter-Ebmer
Economics Letters 105 (1), 17-19, 2009
Temporary help services employment in Portugal, 1995-2000
R Böheim, AR Cardoso
Studies of Labor market Intermediation, 309-334, 2009
Option or obligation? The determinants of labour supply preferences in Britain
R Böheim, MP Taylor
The Manchester School 71 (2), 113-131, 2003
Choking under pressure–Evidence of the causal effect of audience size on performance
R Böheim, D Grübl, M Lackner
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 168, 76-93, 2019
The gender wage gap in Austria: eppur si muove!
R Böheim, K Himpele, H Mahringer, C Zulehner
Empirica 40, 585-606, 2013
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Articles 1–20