Pedro Ramos
Cited by
Cited by
Bipartite embeddings of trees in the plane
M Abellanas, J Garcıa, G Hernández, M Noy, P Ramos
Discrete Applied Mathematics 93 (2-3), 141-148, 1999
Converting triangulations to quadrangulations
S Ramaswami, P Ramos, G Toussaint
Computational Geometry 9 (4), 257-276, 1998
Fitting a set of points by a circle
J Garcia-Lopez, PA Ramos
Proceedings of the thirteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 1997
Structural tolerance and Delaunay triangulation
M Abellanas, F Hurtado, PA Ramos
Information Processing Letters 71 (5-6), 221-227, 1999
Separating objects in the plane by wedges and strips
F Hurtado, M Noy, PA Ramos, C Seara
Discrete Applied Mathematics 109 (1-2), 109-138, 2001
The 2-Page Crossing Number of K_ {n}
BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer, S Fernández-Merchant, P Ramos, G Salazar
Discrete & Computational Geometry 49 (4), 747-777, 2013
New lower bounds for the number of (≤ k)-edges and the rectilinear crossing number of Kn
O Aichholzer, J Garcia, D Orden, P Ramos
Discrete & Computational Geometry 38 (1), 1-14, 2007
On structural and graph theoretic properties of higher order Delaunay graphs
M Abellanas, P Bose, J García, F Hurtado, CM Nicolás, P Ramos
International journal of computational geometry & applications 19 (06), 595-615, 2009
All good drawings of small complete graphs
BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer, S Fernández-Merchant, T Hackl, J Pammer, ...
Proc. 31st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), 57-60, 2015
Shellable Drawings and the Cylindrical Crossing Number of K_ {n}
BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer, S Fernández-Merchant, P Ramos, G Salazar
Discrete & Computational Geometry 52 (4), 743-753, 2014
Drawing nice projections of objects in space
P Bose, F Gomez, P Ramos, G Toussaint
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 10 (2), 155-172, 1999
Decomposition of multiple coverings into more parts
G Aloupis, J Cardinal, S Collette, S Langerman, D Orden, P Ramos
Discrete & Computational Geometry 44, 706-723, 2010
Best fitting rectangles
M Abellanas, F Hurtado, C Icking, L Ma, B Palop, PA Ramos
Fernuniv., Fachbereich Informatik, 2004
On k-convex polygons
O Aichholzer, F Aurenhammer, ED Demaine, F Hurtado, P Ramos, ...
Computational Geometry 45 (3), 73-87, 2012
Separability by two lines and by nearly straight polygonal chains
F Hurtado, M Mora, PA Ramos, C Seara
Discrete Applied Mathematics 144 (1-2), 110-122, 2004
Computing roundness is easy if the set is almost round
O Devillers, PA Ramos
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 12 (03), 229-248, 2002
Bishellable drawings of
BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer, S Fernández-Merchant, D McQuillan, B Mohar, ...
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 32 (4), 2482-2492, 2018
Blocking delaunay triangulations
O Aichholzer, R Fabila-Monroy, T Hackl, M van Kreveld, A Pilz, P Ramos, ...
Computational geometry 46 (2), 154-159, 2013
Non-Shellable Drawings of Kn with Few Crossings.
BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer, S Fernández-Merchant, P Ramos, ...
CCCG, 2014
More on the crossing number of Kn: Monotone drawings
BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer, S Fernández-Merchant, P Ramos, G Salazar
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 44, 411-414, 2013
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Articles 1–20