Fernando García-Quero (ORCID: 0000-0002-3000-6601)
Fernando García-Quero (ORCID: 0000-0002-3000-6601)
Dept. Applied Economics, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences, University of Granada, Melilla Campus
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Cited by
Cited by
Buen Vivir (living well) in Ecuador: Community and environmental satisfaction without household material prosperity?
J Guardiola, F García-Quero
Ecological Economics 107, 177-184, 2014
Sustainable development in times of economic crisis: A needs-based illustration from Granada (Spain)
M Guillen-Royo, J Guardiola, F Garcia-Quero
Journal of Cleaner Production 150, 267-276, 2017
Institutional approaches to economic development: The current status of the debate
FL Castellano, F García-Quero
Journal of Economic Issues 46 (4), 921-940, 2012
Economic Poverty and Happiness in Rural Ecuador: the Importance of Buen Vivir (Living Well)
F García-Quero, J Guardiola
Applied Research in Quality of Life, 909-926, 2018
What is Sumak Kawsay? A Qualitative Study in the Ecuadorian Amazon
CA Coral-Guerrero, F García-Quero, J Guardiola
Latin American Perspectives 48 (3), 2021
The development of social preferences
R Cobo–Reyes, JJ Dominguez, F García–Quero, B Grosskopf, ...
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179 (November 2020), 653-666, 2020
Economía del Desarrollo
F García-Quero, JM Ahumada
Hacia una Economía más Justa: Manual de corrientes económicas heterodoxas …, 2017
Aproximación crítica a la crisis económica mundial: Sistema capitalista, política monetaria y globalización financiera
FJ García Quero
Revista Pecunia 10, 75-94, 2010
El buen vivir como paradigma societal alternativo
F García-Quero, J Guardiola
Dossieres EsF 23 (23), 4-5, 2016
Una aproximación institucional al emprendimiento de los inmigrantes
M Aboussi, F García-Quero
Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia 53 (2), 97-130, 2012
A role-play to explain cartel behavior: Discussing the oligopolistic market
M Correa, F García-Quero, M Ortega-Ortega
International Review of Economics Education 22, 8-15, 2016
Nature & Buen Vivir in Ecuador: The battle between conservation and extraction
J Guardiola, F García-Quero
Alternautas 1 (1), 2014
The euro system as a laboratory for neoliberalism: The case of Spain
F López‐Castellano, F García‐Quero
American Journal of Economics and Sociology 78 (1), 167-193, 2019
Hacia una economía más justa. Una introducción a la economía crítica
F García-Quero, A Ruíz Villaverde
Economistas sin Fronteras, 2016
La economía política institucional: balance y perspectivas
F García-Quero, F López Castellano
Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought 3 (2), 188-200, 2016
Crisis económicas y cambio institucional en España: de la gran depresión a la crisis de 2008
A Sánchez, F García Quero
Faculty of Economics and Business (University of Granada), 2011
Perspectives on human and social capital theories and the role of education: An approach from Mediterranean thought
F López Castellano, F García-Quero, M García-Carmona
Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (1), 51-62, 2019
Crisis y Universidad: de intelectuales a hacedores de ‘papers
F García-Quero
eldiario. es 30, 2014
An empirical assessment of the indigenous Sumak Kawsay (living well): the importance of nature and relationships
CA Coral-Guerrero, J Guardiola, F García-Quero
Handbook on Wellbeing, Happiness and the Environment, 385-398, 2020
Is neoclassical economics scientific knowledge detached from ethics? A Kantian answer, an institutionalist alternative
F García-Quero, J Ollero-Perán
Review of Radical Political Economics 47 (1), 56-69, 2015
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Articles 1–20