Agata Sobków
Agata Sobków
SWPS University, Faculty of Psychology in Wrocław
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Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Worry, risk perception, and controllability predict intentions toward COVID-19 preventive behaviors
A Sobkow, T Zaleskiewicz, D Petrova, R Garcia-Retamero, J Traczyk
Frontiers in psychology 11, 582720, 2020
Numeracy and risk literacy: What have we learned so far?
R Garcia-Retamero, A Sobkow, D Petrova, D Garrido, J Traczyk
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 22, E10, 2019
The affective bases of risk perception: negative feelings and stress mediate the relationship between mental imagery and risk perception
A Sobkow, J Traczyk, T Zaleskiewicz
Frontiers in psychology 7, 932, 2016
Affect-laden imagery and risk taking: the mediating role of stress and risk perception
J Traczyk, A Sobkow, T Zaleskiewicz
PloS one 10 (3), e0122226, 2015
Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries
MJ Brandt, T Kuppens, R Spears, L Andrighetto, F Autin, P Babincak, ...
European journal of social psychology 50 (5), 921-942, 2020
Multiple numeric competencies predict decision outcomes beyond fluid intelligence and cognitive reflection
A Sobkow, A Olszewska, J Traczyk
Intelligence 80, 101452, 2020
The structure of intuitive abilities and their relationships with intelligence and Openness to Experience
A Sobkow, J Traczyk, SB Kaufman, C Nosal
Intelligence 67, 1-10, 2018
Numerate decision makers donʿt use more effortful strategies unless it pays: A process tracing investigation of skilled and adaptive strategy selection in risky decision making
J Traczyk, A Sobkow, K Fulawka, J Kus, D Petrova, R Garcia-Retamero
Judgment and Decision Making 13 (4), 372-381, 2018
Does mental number line training work? The effects of cognitive training on real-life mathematics, numeracy, and decision making
A Sobkow, K Fulawka, P Tomczak, P Zjawiony, J Traczyk
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2019
Does fear increase search effort in more numerate people? An experimental study investigating information acquisition in a decision from experience task
JT Traczyk, D Lenda, J Serek, K Fulawka, P Tomczak, K Strizyk, A Polec, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1203, 2018
Individual differences in emotional reactivity moderate the strength of the relationship between attentional and implicit-memory biases towards threat-related stimuli
PJ Matusz, J Traczyk, A Sobkow, J Strelau
Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2015
Measuring feelings about choices and risks: The Berlin Emotional Responses to Risk Instrument (BERRI)
D Petrova, ET Cokely, A Sobkow, J Traczyk, D Garrido, ...
Risk Analysis 43 (4), 724-746, 2023
Framing experts'(dis) agreements about uncertain environmental events
E Lųhre, A Sobkow, SM Hohle, KH Teigen
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2019
RAT-PL - konstrukcja i walidacja polskiej wersji testu odległych skojarzeń/RAT-PL – construction and validation of polish version of remote associates test
A Sobkow, A Polec, C Nosal
Studia Psychologiczne 54 (2), 1-13, 2016
Decision making and mental imagery: A conceptual synthesis and new research directions
T Zaleskiewicz, J Traczyk, A Sobkow
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 35 (5), 603-633, 2023
Cognitive Abilities and Financial Decision Making
A Sobkow, D Garrido, R Garcia-Retamero
Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making, 71-87, 2020
The experience‐based format of probability improves probability estimates: The moderating role of individual differences in numeracy
J Traczyk, A Sobkow, A Matukiewicz, D Petrova, R Garcia‐Retamero
International Journal of Psychology 55 (2), 273-281, 2020
The factor structure of cognitive reflection, numeracy, and fluid intelligence: The evidence from the Polish adaptation of the Verbal CRT
A Sobkow, A Olszewska, M Sirota
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2022
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Articles 1–20