Ari Nissinen
Ari Nissinen
Development manager, Leading research scientist (PhD, Docent), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
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Observations of ultrafine aerosol particle formation and growth in boreal forest
JM Mäkelä, P Aalto, V Jokinen, T Pohja, A Nissinen, S Palmroth, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 24 (10), 1219-1222, 1997
Climatic effects on litter decomposition from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest
J LISKI, ARI Nissinen, M Erhard, O TASKINEN
Global Change Biology 9 (4), 575-584, 2003
Carbon footprint of food–approaches from national input–output statistics and a LCA of a food portion
Y Virtanen, S Kurppa, M Saarinen, JM Katajajuuri, K Usva, I Mäenpää, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (16), 1849-1856, 2011
Industrial symbiosis and the policy instruments of sustainable consumption and production
S Lehtoranta, A Nissinen, T Mattila, M Melanen
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (16), 1865-1875, 2011
Evaluation of six process‐based forest growth models using eddy‐covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes at six forest sites in Europe
K Kramer, I Leinonen, HH Bartelink, P Berbigier, M Borghetti, C Bernhofer, ...
Global Change Biology 8 (3), 213-230, 2002
Analyzing the environmental benefits of industrial symbiosis: life cycle assessment applied to a Finnish forest industry complex
L Sokka, S Lehtoranta, A Nissinen, M Melanen
Journal of Industrial Ecology 15 (1), 137-155, 2011
Methodological aspects of applying life cycle assessment to industrial symbioses
T Mattila, S Lehtoranta, L Sokka, M Melanen, A Nissinen
Journal of Industrial Ecology 16 (1), 51-60, 2012
Environmental criteria in the public purchases above the EU threshold values by three Nordic countries: 2003 and 2005
A Nissinen, K Parikka-Alhola, H Rita
Ecological Economics 68 (6), 1838-1849, 2009
Developing benchmarks for consumer-oriented life cycle assessment-based environmental information on products, services and consumption patterns
A Nissinen, J Grönroos, E Heiskanen, A Honkanen, JM Katajajuuri, ...
Journal of cleaner production 15 (6), 538-549, 2007
Green public procurement in Europe 2006–Conclusions and recommendations
M Bouwer, M Jonk, T Berman, R Bersani, H Lusser, V Nappa, A Nissinen, ...
Virage Milieu & Management bv, Korte Spaarne 31, 2011, 2006
An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and material flows caused by the Finnish economy using the ENVIMAT model
J Seppälä, I Mäenpää, S Koskela, T Mattila, A Nissinen, JM Katajajuuri, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (16), 1833-1841, 2011
Life cycle assessment approach to the impact of home-made, ready-to-eat and school lunches on climate and eutrophication
M Saarinen, S Kurppa, Y Virtanen, K Usva, J Mäkelä, A Nissinen
Journal of Cleaner Production 28, 177-186, 2012
Suomen kansantalouden materiaalivirtojen ympäristövaikutusten arviointi ENVIMAT-mallilla
J Seppälä, I Mäenpää, S Koskela, T Mattila, A Nissinen, JM Katajajuuri, ...
Suomen ympäristö 20, 2009, 2009
Everyday experimentation in energy transition: A practice-theoretical view
M Jalas, S Hyysalo, E Heiskanen, R Lovio, A Nissinen, M Mattinen, ...
Journal of cleaner production 169, 77-84, 2017
Green public procurement in Europe 2005–status overview
M Bouwer, K De Jong, M Jonk, T Berman, R Bersani, H Lusser, ...
Virage Milieu & Management bv, Korte Spaarne 31 (2011), 201-209, 2005
Sustainability and industrial symbiosis—The evolution of a Finnish forest industry complex
S Pakarinen, T Mattila, M Melanen, A Nissinen, L Sokka
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (12), 1393-1404, 2010
Modeling and visualization of residential sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
MK Mattinen, J Heljo, J Vihola, A Kurvinen, S Lehtoranta, A Nissinen
Journal of Cleaner Production 81, 70-80, 2014
Opportunities and limitations of carbon footprint calculators to steer sustainable household consumption–Analysis of Nordic calculator features
M Salo, MK Mattinen-Yuryev, A Nissinen
Journal of Cleaner Production 207, 658-666, 2019
Hourly-based greenhouse gas emissions of electricity–cases demonstrating possibilities for households and companies to decrease their emissions
M Kopsakangas-Savolainen, MK Mattinen, K Manninen, A Nissinen
Journal of cleaner production 153, 384-396, 2017
Combinations of policy instruments to decrease the climate impacts of housing, passenger transport and food in Finland
A Nissinen, E Heiskanen, A Perrels, E Berghäll, V Liesimaa, MK Mattinen
Journal of Cleaner Production 107, 455-466, 2015
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Articles 1–20