Why we talk: The evolutionary origins of language JL Dessalles Oxford University Press, USA, 2007 | 353 | 2007 |
Aux origines du langage : Une histoire naturelle de la parole JL Dessalles Paris, Hermès Sciences, 2000 | 222 | 2000 |
Altruism, status, and the origin of relevance JL Dessalles Approaches to the evolution of language: Social and cognitive bases, 130-147, 1998 | 192 | 1998 |
Detection and emergence EBJL Dessalles, E Bonabeau Intellectica 25 (2), 1997 | 108* | 1997 |
Characterizing emergent phenomena (1): A critical review E Bonabeau, JL Dessalles, A Grumbach Revue internationale de systémique 9 (3), 327-346, 1995 | 98 | 1995 |
La pertinence et ses origines cognitives-Nouvelles théories JL Dessalles Hermes-Science Publications, 2008 | 86 | 2008 |
Language and hominid politics JL Dessalles na, 2000 | 70 | 2000 |
L'ordinateur génétique JL Dessalles Hermès, 1996 | 65 | 1996 |
Why talk? JL Dessalles The social origins of language, 284-296, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Storing events to retell them JL Dessalles Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3), 321-322, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Optimal investment in social signals JL Dessalles Evolution 68 (6), 1640-1650, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Conversational topic connectedness predicted by simplicity theory JL Dessalles 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1914-1919, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Coincidences and the encounter problem: A formal account JLJL Dessalles arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.3932, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |
Emergence in multi-agent systems: cognitive hierarchy, detection, and complexity reduction part I: methodological issues JL Dessalles, D Phan Artificial Economics: Agent-Based Methods in Finance, Game Theory and Their …, 2006 | 44 | 2006 |
Algorithmic simplicity and relevance JL Dessalles Algorithmic Probability and Friends. Bayesian Prediction and Artificial …, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
Emergence in agent-based computational social science: conceptual, formal, and diagrammatic analysis JL Dessalles, J Ferber, D Phan Intelligent complex adaptive systems, 255-299, 2008 | 43 | 2008 |
Emergence in multi-agent systems: conceptual and methodological issues JL Dessalles, JP Müller, D Phan Agent Based Modelling and Simulations in the Human and Social Siences, 327-356, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
A structural model of intuitive probability JL Dessalles arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.4884, 2011 | 33 | 2011 |
Characterizing emergent phenomena (2): a conceptual framework E Bonabeau, JL Dessalles, A Grumbach Revue Internationale de Systémique 9 (3), 347-371, 1995 | 33 | 1995 |
Solving analogies on words based on minimal complexity transformation PA Murena, M Al-Ghossein, JL Dessalles, A Cornuéjols International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1848-1854, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |