Young Il Lee
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Zitiert von
A comparison of finite control set and continuous control set model predictive control schemes for speed control of induction motors
AA Ahmed, BK Koh, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (4), 1334-1346, 2017
Torque-ripple minimization and fast dynamic scheme for torque predictive control of permanent-magnet synchronous motors
Y Cho, KB Lee, JH Song, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (4), 2182-2190, 2014
Robust tracking control of a three-phase DC–AC inverter for UPS applications
JS Lim, C Park, J Han, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (8), 4142-4151, 2013
Robust receding horizon predictive control for systems with uncertain dynamics and input saturation
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
Automatica 36 (10), 1497-1504, 2000
A stabilizing model predictive controller for voltage regulation of a DC/DC boost converter
SK Kim, CR Park, JS Kim, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 22 (5), 2016-2023, 2014
Constrained receding horizon predictive control for nonlinear systems
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis, M Cannon
Automatica 38 (12), 2093-2102, 2002
Receding horizon output feedback control for linear systems with input saturation
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 148 (2), 109-115, 2001
Constrained robust model predictive control based on periodic invariance
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
Automatica 42 (12), 2175-2181, 2006
General interpolation in MPC and its advantages
M Bacic, M Cannon, YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 48 (6), 1092-1096, 2003
Constrained receding horizon predictive control for systems with disturbances
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
International Journal of Control 72 (11), 1027-1032, 1999
Finite-control set model predictive control method for torque control of induction motors using a state tracking cost index
AA Ahmed, BK Koh, HS Park, KB Lee, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (3), 1916-1928, 2016
A linear programming approach to constrained robust predictive control
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 45 (9), 1765-1770, 2000
Offset-free model predictive control for the power control of three-phase AC/DC converters
SK Kim, DK Choi, KB Lee, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (11), 7114-7126, 2015
Voltage Sensorless Model Predictive Control for a Grid-Connected Inverter With LCL Filter
NN Nam, ND Nguyen, C Yoon, M Choi, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (1), 740-751, 2021
Extended invariance and its use in model predictive control
YI Lee, M Cannon, B Kouvaritakis
Automatica 41 (12), 2163-2169, 2005
Output‐feedback model predictive controller for voltage regulation of a DC/DC converter
SK Kim, JS Kim, CR Park, YI Lee
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (16), 1959-1968, 2013
Speed sensorless model predictive torque control of induction motors using a modified adaptive full-order observer
ND Nguyen, NN Nam, C Yoon, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (6), 6162-6172, 2021
Disturbance-observer-based model predictive control for output voltage regulation of three-phase inverter for uninterruptible-power-supply applications
SK Kim, CR Park, TW Yoon, YI Lee
European Journal of Control 23, 71-83, 2015
Stabilizable regions of receding horizon predictive control with input constraints
YI Lee, B Kouvaritakis
Systems & control letters 38 (1), 13-20, 1999
Efficient non-linear model based predictive control
M Cannon, B Kouvaritakis, YI Lee, AC Brooms
International Journal of Control 74 (4), 361-372, 2001
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