Georgios Koudouridis
Georgios Koudouridis
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Introduction: What child language can contribute to pragmatics
E Ochs
Developmental pragmatics, 1-17, 1979
Generic link layer: a solution for multi-radio transmission diversity in communication networks beyond 3G
K Dimou, R Aguero, M Bortnik, K Reza, GP Koudouridis, S Kaminski, ...
62nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, SEP 25-28, 2005, Dallas, TX, 1672 …, 2005
SECRET—Secure network coding for reduced energy next generation mobile small cells: A European Training Network in wireless communications and networking for 5G
J Rodriguez, A Radwan, C Barbosa, FHP Fitzek, RA Abd-Alhameed, ...
2017 Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA), 329-333, 2017
A meta-learning scheme for adaptive short-term network traffic prediction
Q He, A Moayyedi, G Dán, GP Koudouridis, P Tengkvist
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (10), 2271-2283, 2020
Generic link layer functionality for multi-radio access networks
GP Koudouridis, R Agüero, E Alexandri, J Choque, K Dimou, HR Karimi, ...
IST mobile and wireless communications summit, 1-5, 2005
First and second network nodes and methods of spectrum sharing
P Soldati, G Koudouridis
US Patent 10,178,557, 2019
A centralised approach to power on-off optimisation for heterogeneous networks
GP Koudouridis, H Gao, P Legg
2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 1-5, 2012
Switched multi-radio transmission diversity in future access networks
GP Koudouridis, HR Karimi, K Dimou
62nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, SEP 25-28, 2005, Dallas, TX, 235-239, 2005
Feasibility studies and architecture for multi-radio access in ambient networks
GP Koudouridis, R Agüero, E Alexandri, M Berg, A Bria, J Gebert, ...
Proc. 15th Wirless World Research Forum (WWRF) Meeting, 8-9, 2005
Coverage and capacity optimization in E-UTRAN based on central coordination and distributed Gibbs sampling
T Cai, GP Koudouridis, C Qvarfordt, J Johansson, P Legg
2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2010
Distributed power on-off optimisation for heterogeneous networks-a comparison of autonomous and cooperative optimisation
GP Koudouridis, H Li
2012 IEEE 17th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2012
Random forests resource allocation for 5G systems: Performance and robustness study
S Imtiaz, H Ghauch, GP Koudouridis, J Gross
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW …, 2018
Beyond 5G: Big data processing for better spectrum utilization
A Kliks, L Kulacz, P Kryszkiewicz, H Bogucka, M Dryjanski, M Isaksson, ...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 15 (3), 40-50, 2020
Context‐Based Spectrum Sharing in 5G Wireless Networks Based on Radio Environment Maps
P Kryszkiewicz, A Kliks, Ł Kułacz, H Bogucka, GP Koudouridis, ...
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018 (1), 3217315, 2018
Mobility-and energy-aware cooperative edge offloading for dependent computation tasks
M Mehrabi, S Shen, Y Hai, V Latzko, GP Koudouridis, X Gelabert, ...
Network 1 (2), 191-214, 2021
Spectrum and network density management in 5G ultra-dense networks
GP Koudouridis, P Soldati
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (5), 30-37, 2017
Signaling overhead and power consumption during handover in LTE
M Tayyab, GP Koudouridis, X Gelabert, R Jäntti
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2019
Future wireless communication based on multi-radio access
J Sachs, L Muñoz, R Aguero, J Choque, G Koudouridis, R Karimi, ...
Proc. WWRF11, Oslo, Norway, 2004
Enhancing machine learning models for path loss prediction using image texture techniques
SP Sotiroudis, K Siakavara, GP Koudouridis, P Sarigiannidis, SK Goudos
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 20 (8), 1443-1447, 2021
Secure virtual mobile small cells: A stepping stone toward 6G
J Rodriguez, GP Koudouridis, X Gelabert, M Tayyab, R Bassoli, ...
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 5 (2), 28-36, 2021
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Articles 1–20