Mногогранники, графы, оптимизация (комбинаторная теория многогранников) ВА Емеличев, ММ Ковалев, МК Кравцов Наука. Главная редакция физико-математической лмиературы, 1981 | 439 | 1981 |
Lectures in graph theory VA Emilichev, OI Mel’nikov, VI Sarvanov, RI Tyshkevich Diskr. Mat 1 (4), 140, 1989 | 223 | 1989 |
Stability and regularization of vector problems of integer linear programming VA Emelichev, E Girlich, YV Nikulin, DP Podkopaev Optimization 51 (4), 645-676, 2002 | 205 | 2002 |
Polytopes, graphs and optimisation VA Emelichev, MM Kovalev, MK Kravtsov Cambridge University Press, 1984 | 183 | 1984 |
Quantitative stability analysis for vector problems of 0–1 programming V Emelichev, D Podkopaev Discrete Optimization 7 (1-2), 48-63, 2010 | 110 | 2010 |
Lectures of graph theory O Melnikov (No Title), 1994 | 67 | 1994 |
Polyhedra, Graphs VA Emelichev, MM Kovalev, MK Kravtsov Optimization, 1981 | 53 | 1981 |
Complexity of discrete multicriterial problems VA Emelichev, VA Perepelitsa Diskretnaya Matematika 6 (1), 3-33, 1994 | 45 | 1994 |
On cardinality of the set of alternatives in discrete many-criterion problems VA Emelichev, VA Perepelitsa Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2 (5), 461-472, 1992 | 45 | 1992 |
Stability analysis of the Pareto optimal solutions for some vector boolean optimization problem V Emelichev, K Kuz'Min, Y Nikulin Optimization 54 (6), 545-561, 2005 | 43 | 2005 |
On a quantitative measure of stability for a vector problem in integer programming VA Emelichev, DP Podkopaev Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki 38 (11), 1801-1805, 1998 | 40 | 1998 |
Stability and effective algorithms for solving multiobjective discrete optimization problems with incomplete information VA Emelichev, VM Kotov, KG Kuzmin, TT Lebedeva, NV Semenova, ... Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 46 (2), 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Stability in the combinatorial vector optimization problems VA Emelichev, KG Kuz'min, AM Leonovich Automation and Remote Control 65, 227-240, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
The stability radius of an efficient solution in minimax Boolean programming problem VA Emelichev, VN Krichko, YV Nikulin Control and Cybernetics 33 (1), 127-132, 2004 | 37 | 2004 |
On the quasistability of trajectory problems of vector optimization VA Emelichev, MK Kravtsov, DP Podkopaev Mathematical Notes 63 (1), 19-24, 1996 | 34 | 1996 |
Stability of discrete vector problems with the parametric principle of optimality SE Bukhtoyarov, VA Emelichev, YV Stepanishina Cybernetics and systems analysis 39, 604-614, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
On stability of some lexicographic integer optimization problem VA Emelichev, EE Gurevsky, KG Kuzmin Control and Cybernetics 39 (3), 811-826, 2010 | 30 | 2010 |
Stability and regularization of vector problems of integer linear programming VA Emelichev, DP Podkopaev Diskretnyi Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsii 8 (1), 47-69, 2001 | 30 | 2001 |
On a type of stability of a multicriteria integer linear programming problem in the case of a monotone norm VA Emelichev, KG Kuz’min Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 46, 714-720, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
Numerical measure of strong stability and strong quasistability in the vector problem of integer linear programming. VA Emelichev, Y Nikulin Comput. Sci. J. Moldova 7 (1), 105-117, 1999 | 28 | 1999 |