Mario Dipoppa
Mario Dipoppa
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Suite2p: beyond 10,000 neurons with standard two-photon microscopy. bioRxiv 061507
M Pachitariu, C Stringer, M Dipoppa, S Schröder, LF Rossi, H Dalgleish, ...
Vision and locomotion shape the interactions between neuron types in mouse visual cortex
M Dipoppa, A Ranson, M Krumin, M Pachitariu, M Carandini, KD Harris
Neuron 98 (3), 602-615, 2018
A disinhibitory circuit for contextual modulation in primary visual cortex
AJ Keller, M Dipoppa, MM Roth, MS Caudill, A Ingrosso, KD Miller, ...
Neuron 108 (6), 1181-1193. e8, 2020
A transcriptomic axis predicts state modulation of cortical interneurons
S Bugeon, J Duffield, M Dipoppa, A Ritoux, I Prankerd, ...
Nature 607 (7918), 330-338, 2022
Flexible frequency control of cortical oscillations enables computations required for working memory
M Dipoppa, BS Gutkin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (31), 12828-12833, 2013
Electron− hole interaction in carbon nanotubes: novel screening and exciton excitation Spectra
J Deslippe, M Dipoppa, D Prendergast, MVO Moutinho, RB Capaz, ...
Nano letters 9 (4), 1330-1334, 2009
A human-specific modifier of cortical connectivity and circuit function
ERE Schmidt, HT Zhao, JM Park, M Dipoppa, MM Monsalve-Mercado, ...
Nature 599 (7886), 640-644, 2021
Partitioning variability in animal behavioral videos using semi-supervised variational autoencoders
MR Whiteway, D Biderman, Y Friedman, M Dipoppa, EK Buchanan, A Wu, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009439, 2021
Sustained rhythmic brain activity underlies visual motion perception in zebrafish
V Pérez-Schuster, A Kulkarni, M Nouvian, SA Romano, K Lygdas, ...
Cell reports 17 (4), 1098-1112, 2016
Controlling working memory operations by selective gating: the roles of oscillations and synchrony
M Dipoppa, M Szwed, BS Gutkin
Advances in cognitive psychology 12 (4), 209, 2016
Correlations in background activity control persistent state stability and allow execution of working memory tasks
M Dipoppa, BS Gutkin
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 7, 139, 2013
Splay states in finite pulse-coupled networks of excitable neurons
M Dipoppa, M Krupa, A Torcini, BS Gutkin
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 11 (3), 864-894, 2012
A power law describes the magnitude of adaptation in neural populations of primary visual cortex
E Tring, M Dipoppa, DL Ringach
Nature Communications 14 (1), 8366, 2023
Unifying model for three forms of contextual modulation including feedback input from higher visual areas
S Di Santo, M Dipoppa, A Keller, M Roth, M Scanziani, KD Miller
BioRxiv, 2022.05. 27.493753, 2022
Understanding the functional and structural differences across excitatory and inhibitory neurons
S Minni, L Ji-An, T Moskovitz, G Lindsay, K Miller, M Dipoppa, GR Yang
bioRxiv, 680439, 2019
On the contrast response function of adapted neural populations
E Tring, M Dipoppa, DL Ringach
Journal of Neurophysiology 131 (2), 446-453, 2024
The role of correlations and oscillations as a unified mechanism controlling persistent neural activity and working memory
M Dipoppa
Paris 6, 2012
Contrast gain control is a reparameterization of a population response curve
E Tring, SA Moosavi, M Dipoppa, DL Ringach
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2024
Control of persistent spiking activity by background correlations
M Dipoppa, B Gutkin
Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Computational and Systems Neuroscience, 2010
Spatio-Temporal Correlations of Natural Images during Fixational Eye Movements
M Dipoppa
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon, France, 2008
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Articles 1–20