Annarita Mariotti
Annarita Mariotti
Senior Advisor and Scientist, NOAA Climate Program Office
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Cited by
Causes and predictability of the 2012 Great Plains drought
M Hoerling, J Eischeid, A Kumar, R Leung, A Mariotti, K Mo, S Schubert, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (2), 269-282, 2014
Causes and impacts of the 2005 Amazon drought
N Zeng, JH Yoon, JA Marengo, A Subramaniam, CA Nobre, A Mariotti, ...
Environmental Research Letters 3 (1), 014002, 2008
The hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean region and implications for the water budget of the Mediterranean Sea
A Mariotti, MV Struglia, N Zeng, KM Lau
Journal of climate 15 (13), 1674-1690, 2002
Terrestrial mechanisms of interannual CO2 variability
N Zeng, A Mariotti, P Wetzel
Global biogeochemical cycles 19 (1), 2005
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments: Part III: Assessment of twenty-first-century projections
ED Maloney, SJ Camargo, E Chang, B Colle, R Fu, KL Geil, Q Hu, X Jiang, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (6), 2230-2270, 2014
HyMeX: A 10-year multidisciplinary program on the Mediterranean water cycle
P Drobinski, V Ducrocq, P Alpert, E Anagnostou, K Béranger, M Borga, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (7), 1063-1082, 2014
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments. Part I: Evaluation of historical simulations of continental and regional climatology
J Sheffield, AP Barrett, B Colle, D Nelun Fernando, R Fu, KL Geil, Q Hu, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (23), 9209-9245, 2013
Mediterranean climate variability over the last centuries: a review
J Luterbacher, E Xoplaki, C Casty, H Wanner, A Pauling, M Küttel, ...
Developments in Earth and environmental Sciences 4, 27-148, 2006
Mediterranean water cycle changes: transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations
A Mariotti, N Zeng, JH Yoon, V Artale, A Navarra, P Alpert, LZX Li
Environmental Research Letters 3 (4), 044001, 2008
Euro‐Mediterranean rainfall and ENSO—a seasonally varying relationship
A Mariotti, N Zeng, KM Lau
Geophysical research letters 29 (12), 59-1-59-4, 2002
Long-term climate change in the Mediterranean region in the midst of decadal variability
A Mariotti, Y Pan, N Zeng, A Alessandri
Climate Dynamics 44, 1437-1456, 2015
Windows of opportunity for skillful forecasts subseasonal to seasonal and beyond
A Mariotti, C Baggett, EA Barnes, E Becker, A Butler, DC Collins, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (5), E608-E625, 2020
Global meteorological drought: a synthesis of current understanding with a focus on SST drivers of precipitation deficits
SD Schubert, RE Stewart, H Wang, M Barlow, EH Berbery, W Cai, ...
Journal of Climate 29 (11), 3989-4019, 2016
Relations between variability in the Mediterranean region and mid-latitude variability
R Trigo, E Xoplaki, E Zorita, J Luterbacher, SO Krichak, P Alpert, ...
Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences 4, 179-226, 2006
Decadal climate variability in the Mediterranean region: roles of large-scale forcings and regional processes
A Mariotti, A Dell’Aquila
Climate Dynamics 38, 1129-1145, 2012
How ENSO impacts precipitation in southwest central Asia
A Mariotti
Geophysical research letters 34 (16), 2007
River discharge into the Mediterranean Sea: climatology and aspects of the observed variability
MV Struglia, A Mariotti, A Filograsso
Journal of Climate 17 (24), 4740-4751, 2004
Vortex stripping and the erosion of coherent structures in two‐dimensional flows
A Mariotti, B Legras, DG Dritschel
Physics of Fluids 6 (12), 3954-3962, 1994
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments. Part II: Evaluation of historical simulations of intraseasonal to decadal variability
J Sheffield, SJ Camargo, R Fu, Q Hu, X Jiang, N Johnson, KB Karnauskas, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (23), 9247-9290, 2013
Relations between climate variability in the Mediterranean region and the tropics: ENSO, South Asian and African monsoons, hurricanes and Saharan dust
P Alpert, M Baldi, R Ilani, S Krichak, C Price, X Rodó, H Saaroni, B Ziv, ...
Developments in earth and environmental sciences 4, 149-177, 2006
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Articles 1–20