Stefan Arora-Jonsson (formerly Jonsson)
Stefan Arora-Jonsson (formerly Jonsson)
Professor of Organization, Uppsala University
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Cited by
Isomorphism, diffusion and decoupling: Concept evolution and theoretical challenges
E Boxenbaum, S Jonsson
The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism 2, 77-101, 2017
Building firm‐specific advantages in multinational corporations: the role of subsidiary initiative
J Birkinshaw, N Hood, S Jonsson
Strategic management journal 19 (3), 221-242, 1998
Undeserved loss: The spread of legitimacy loss to innocent organizations in response to reported corporate deviance
S Jonsson, HR Greve, T Fujiwara-Greve
Administrative Science Quarterly 54 (2), 195-228, 2009
Ubiquity and legitimacy: Disentangling diffusion and institutionalization
JA Colyvas, S Jonsson
Sociological theory 29 (1), 27-53, 2011
Explaining the homogeneous diffusion of COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical interventions across heterogeneous countries
A Sebhatu, K Wennberg, S Arora-Jonsson, SI Lindberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (35), 21201-21208, 2020
Normative barriers to imitation: Social complexity of core competences in a mutual fund industry
S Jonsson, P Regnér
Strategic management journal 30 (5), 517-536, 2009
Refraining from imitation: Professional resistance and limited diffusion in a financial market
S Jonsson
Organization Science 20 (1), 172-186, 2009
Where does competition come from? The role of organization
S Arora-Jonsson, N Brunsson, R Hasse
Organization Theory 1 (1), 2631787719889977, 2020
Organizations and the media: Organizing in a mediatized world
J Pallas, L Strannegård, S Jonsson
Routledge, 2014
The limits of media effects: Field positions and cultural change in a mutual fund market
S Jonsson, H Buhr
Organization Science 22 (2), 464-481, 2011
The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism
E Boxenbaum, S Jonsson, R Greenwood, C Oliver, TB Lawrence, ...
Isomorphism, Diffusion and Decoupling (1st ed., pp. 78–98). SAGE …, 2008
Competition: What it is and why it Happens
S Arora-Jonsson, N Brunsson, R Hasse, K Lagerström
Oxford University Press, 2021
The travails of identity change: Competitor claims and distinctiveness of British political parties, 1970–1992
SI Karthikeyan, S Jonsson, FC Wezel
Organization Science 27 (1), 106-122, 2016
Making and breaking norms: Competitive imitation patterns in the Swedish mutual fund industry
S Jonsson
Stockholm School of Economics, 2003
Innovation in the networked firm: The need to develop new types of interface competence
S Jonsson
The Flexible Firm: Capability Management in Network Organisations, Oxford …, 2000
A new understanding of competition
S Arora-Jonsson, N Brunsson, R Hasse
Competition. What it is and why it happens, 1-25, 2021
Asymmetry of customer loss and recovery under endogenous partnerships: theory and evidence
T Fujiwara‐Greve, HR Greve, S Jonsson
International Economic Review 57 (1), 3-30, 2016
The meaning of economic democracy: Institutional logics, parabiosis, and the construction of frames
S Jonsson, M Lounsbury
How Institutions Matter!, 71-99, 2016
Slander, shouts, and silence: Incumbent resistance to disruptive logics
J Edman, S Arora-Jonsson
Organization Theory 3 (2), 26317877221090316, 2022
Globalization, markets and societal change: Instituting mutual funds in Sweden
S Jonsson, M Lounsbury
64th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 2004
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Articles 1–20