Sunita Sah
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Cited by
Ten considerations for effectively managing the COVID-19 transition
KB Habersaat, C Betsch, M Danchin, CR Sunstein, R Böhm, A Falk, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (7), 677-687, 2020
The unintended consequences of conflict of interest disclosure
G Loewenstein, S Sah, DM Cain
Jama 307 (7), 669-670, 2012
Physicians under the influence: social psychology and industry marketing strategies
S Sah, A Fugh-Berman
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 41 (3), 665-672, 2013
The limits of transparency: pitfalls and potential of disclosing conflicts of interest
G Loewenstein, DM Cain, S Sah
American Economic Review 101 (3), 423-28, 2011
The Burden of Disclosure: Increased Compliance With Distrusted Advice
S Sah, G Loewenstein, D Cain
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 104 (2), 289-304, 2013
Cheap Talk and Credibility: The Consequences of Confidence and Accuracy on Advisor Credibility and Persuasiveness
S Sah, D Moore, R MacCoun
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 121 (2), 246-255, 2013
The COVID-19 vaccine communication handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformation
S Lewandowsky, J Cook, P Schmid, D Holford, A Finn, D Lombardi, ...
Association between academic medical center pharmaceutical detailing policies and physician prescribing
I Larkin, D Ang, J Steinhart, M Chao, M Patterson, S Sah, T Wu, ...
Jama 317 (17), 1785-1795, 2017
Nothing to Declare: Mandatory and Voluntary Disclosure Leads Advisors to Avoid Conflicts of Interest
S Sah, G Loewenstein
Psychological Science 25 (2), 575-584, 2014
The morality of larks and owls: Unethical behavior depends on chronotype as well as time of day
BC Gunia, CM Barnes, S Sah
Psychological science 25 (12), 2272-2274, 2014
Managing perceptions of distress at work: Reframing emotion as passion
EB Wolf, JJ Lee, S Sah, AW Brooks
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 137, 1-12, 2016
A call for more science in forensic science
S Bell, S Sah, TD Albright, SJ Gates Jr, MB Denton, A Casadevall
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (18), 4541-4544, 2018
Conflicts of interest and your physician: psychological processes that cause unexpected changes in behavior
S Sah
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 40 (3), 482-487, 2012
Effect of Reminders of Personal Sacrifice and Suggested Rationalizations on Residents' Self-Reported Willingness to Accept Gifts
S Sah, G Loewenstein
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 304 (11), 1204-1211, 2010
The effects of public disclosure of industry payments to physicians on patient trust: a randomized experiment
AR Hwong, S Sah, LS Lehmann
Journal of General Internal Medicine 32, 1186-1192, 2017
Effect of physician disclosure of specialty bias on patient trust and treatment choice
S Sah, A Fagerlin, P Ubel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (27), 7465-7469, 2016
Insinuation anxiety: Concern that advice rejection will signal distrust after conflict of interest disclosures
S Sah, G Loewenstein, D Cain
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (7), 1099-1112, 2019
Blinding prosecutors to defendants’ race: A policy proposal to reduce unconscious bias in the criminal justice system
S Sah, CT Robertson, SB Baughman
Behavioral Science & Policy 1 (2), 69-76, 2015
More affected= more neglected: Amplification of bias in advice to the unidentified and many
S Sah, G Loewenstein
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (3), 365-372, 2012
Conflict of interest disclosure as an expertise cue: Differential effects due to automatic versus deliberative processing
S Sah, P Malaviya, D Thompson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 147, 127-146, 2018
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Articles 1–20