Suren Vagharshakyan
Suren Vagharshakyan
University of Tampere
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Light field reconstruction using shearlet transform
S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40 (1), 133-147, 2017
Image based rendering technique via sparse representation in shearlet domain
S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1379-1383, 2015
Shearlet transform-based light field compression under low bitrates
W Ahmad, S Vagharshakyan, M Sjöström, A Gotchev, R Bregovic, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 4269-4280, 2020
Accelerated shearlet-domain light field reconstruction
S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (7), 1082-1091, 2017
The effect of light field reconstruction and angular resolution reduction on the quality of experience
PA Kara, PT Kovacs, S Vagharshakyan, MG Martini, A Barsi, T Balogh, ...
2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2016
Shearlet Transform Based Prediction Scheme for Light Field Compression.
W Ahmad, S Vagharshakyan, M Sjöström, AP Gotchev, R Bregovic, ...
DCC, 396, 2018
Perceptual quality of reconstructed medical images on projection-based light field displays
PA Kara, PT Kovacs, S Vagharshakyan, MG Martini, S Imre, A Barsi, ...
eHealth 360°: International Summit on eHealth, Budapest, Hungary, June 14-16 …, 2017
Shearlet-domain light field reconstruction for holographic stereogram generation
E Sahin, S Vagharshakyan, J Mäkinen, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1479-1483, 2016
Signal processing methods for light field displays
R Bregovic, E Sahin, S Vagharshakyan, A Gotchev
Handbook of signal processing systems, 3-50, 2019
Densely-sampled light field reconstruction
S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
Real VR–Immersive Digital Reality: How to Import the Real World into Head …, 2020
Tree-structured algorithm for efficient shearlet-domain light field reconstruction
S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
2015 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2015
Accuracy evaluation of a linear positioning system for light field capture
S Vagharshakyan, A Durmush, O Suominen, R Bregovic, A Gotchev
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 7th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2015
High-quality light field interpolation in epipolar plane image domain by DCT-based shearing
L Bilevich, S Vagharshakyan, A Gotchev
AIP Conference Proceedings 1631 (1), 77-84, 2014
Conversion of sparsely-captured light field into alias-free fullparallax multiview content
E Sahin, S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic, G Lee, A Gotchev
IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, 1441-1445, 2018
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Articles 1–14