Pacgan: The power of two samples in generative adversarial networks Z Lin, A Khetan, G Fanti, S Oh Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018 | 437 | 2018 |
Building a RAPPOR with the unknown: Privacy-preserving learning of associations and data dictionaries G Fanti, V Pihur, Ú Erlingsson arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.01214, 2015 | 372 | 2015 |
Prism: Deconstructing the blockchain to approach physical limits V Bagaria, S Kannan, D Tse, G Fanti, P Viswanath Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2019 | 340* | 2019 |
Using GANs for Sharing Networked Time Series Data: Challenges, Initial Promise, and Open Questions Z Lin, A Jain, C Wang, G Fanti, V Sekar Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 464-483, 2020 | 276* | 2020 |
Design choices for central bank digital currency: Policy and technical considerations S Allen, S Čapkun, I Eyal, G Fanti, BA Ford, J Grimmelmann, A Juels, ... National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020 | 216 | 2020 |
Wireless power transfer using weakly coupled magnetostatic resonators JO Mur-Miranda, G Fanti, Y Feng, K Omanakuttan, R Ongie, A Setjoadi, ... 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 4179-4186, 2010 | 194 | 2010 |
High throughput cryptocurrency routing in payment channel networks V Sivaraman, SB Venkatakrishnan, K Ruan, P Negi, L Yang, R Mittal, ... 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2020 | 193 | 2020 |
Infogan-cr and modelcentrality: Self-supervised model training and selection for disentangling gans Z Lin, K Thekumparampil, G Fanti, S Oh international conference on machine learning, 6127-6139, 2020 | 144* | 2020 |
Dandelion: Redesigning the bitcoin network for anonymity S Bojja Venkatakrishnan, G Fanti, P Viswanath Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 1 (1 …, 2017 | 142 | 2017 |
Dandelion++ lightweight cryptocurrency networking with formal anonymity guarantees G Fanti, SB Venkatakrishnan, S Bakshi, B Denby, S Bhargava, A Miller, ... Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 2 (2 …, 2018 | 115 | 2018 |
Compounding of wealth in proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies G Fanti, L Kogan, S Oh, K Ruan, P Viswanath, G Wang Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 23rd International Conference, FC …, 2019 | 109 | 2019 |
Routing cryptocurrency with the spider network V Sivaraman, SB Venkatakrishnan, M Alizadeh, G Fanti, P Viswanath Proceedings of the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 29-35, 2018 | 106 | 2018 |
SquirRL: Automating attack analysis on blockchain incentive mechanisms with deep reinforcement learning C Hou, M Zhou, Y Ji, P Daian, F Tramer, G Fanti, A Juels arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.01798, 2019 | 100 | 2019 |
Practical gan-based synthetic ip header trace generation using netshare Y Yin, Z Lin, M Jin, G Fanti, V Sekar Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference, 458-472, 2022 | 77 | 2022 |
Deanonymization in the bitcoin P2P network G Fanti, P Viswanath Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017 | 77 | 2017 |
Spy vs. spy: Rumor source obfuscation G Fanti, P Kairouz, S Oh, P Viswanath Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on …, 2015 | 76 | 2015 |
Privacy-utility tradeoffs in routing cryptocurrency over payment channel networks W Tang, W Wang, G Fanti, S Oh Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 4 (2 …, 2020 | 75 | 2020 |
{SketchLib}: Enabling efficient sketch-based monitoring on programmable switches H Namkung, Z Liu, D Kim, V Sekar, P Steenkiste 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2022 | 60 | 2022 |
Why spectral normalization stabilizes gans: Analysis and improvements Z Lin, V Sekar, G Fanti Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 9625-9638, 2021 | 60 | 2021 |
Economics of proof-of-stake payment systems G Fanti, L Kogan, P Viswanath Working paper, 2019 | 58 | 2019 |