Acidification in Europe: a simulation model for evaluating control strategies J Alcamo, M Amann, JP Hettelingh, M Holmberg, L Hordijk, J Kämäri, ... Ambio, 232-245, 1987 | 172 | 1987 |
Forest industry and the environment: a life cycle assessment study from Finland J Seppälä, M Melanen, T Jouttijärvi, L Kauppi, N Leikola Resources, Conservation and Recycling 23 (1-2), 87-105, 1998 | 89 | 1998 |
Acidification of forest soils: Model development and application of analyzing impacts of acidic deposition in Europe. . P Kauppi, M Posch, E Matzner, L Kauppi, J Kämäri IIASA CP, 1-41, 1984 | 83 | 1984 |
Nutrient balances and phytoplankton dynamics in two agriculturally loaded shallow lakes S Knuuttila, OP Pietiläinen, L Kauppi Nutrient Dynamics and Biological Structure in Shallow Freshwater and …, 1994 | 52 | 1994 |
Influence of sub-drainage on water quantity and quality in a cultivated area in Finland. P Seuna, L Kauppi IAHS-AISH Publication (IAHS). no. 130., 1980 | 47 | 1980 |
Effect of drainage basin characteristics on the diffuse load of phosphorus and nitrogen. L Kauppi Vesihallitus, 1979 | 45 | 1979 |
Ilmastonmuutos ja Suomi E Kuusisto, L Kauppi, P Heikinheimo Yliopistopaino, Helsinki, 1996 | 44 | 1996 |
Impacts of agricultural nutrient loading on Finnish watercourses L Kauppi, OP Pietiläinen, S Knuuttila Water science and technology 28 (3-5), 461-471, 1993 | 33 | 1993 |
The contribution of agricultural loading to eutrophication in Finnish lakes L Kauppi Water Science and Technology 17 (6-7), 1133-1140, 1985 | 28 | 1985 |
Contribution of agricultural loading to the deterioration of surface waters in Finland L Kauppi | 28 | 1984 |
Phosphorus and nitrogen input from rural population, agriculture and forest fertilization to watercourses L Kauppi Vesihallitus. National Board of Waters, 1979 | 27 | 1979 |
Bioenergian uudet haasteet Suomessa ja niiden ympäristönäkökohdat. Nykytilakatsaus R Antikainen, J Tenhunen, M Ilomäki, P Mickwitz, P Punttila, M Puustinen, ... Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2007 | 25 | 2007 |
Maatalous ja vesien tila: Maveron loppuraportti S Rekolainen, L Kauppi, E Turtola Luonnonvarainneuvosto, maa-ja metsätalousministeriö, 1992 | 24 | 1992 |
Hydrology;water quality changes L Kauppi Solomon;A.M. and Kauppi,L.(eds). Towards ecological sustainability in …, 1990 | 20 | 1990 |
Ion budgets of small forested basins K Kallio, L Kauppi Acidification in Finland, 811-823, 1990 | 18 | 1990 |
Mission Starfish 2030. Restore our ocean and waters Lamy European Union Publications Office, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Development of a model analysing surface water acidification on a regional scale: application to individual basins in southern Finland J Kamari, M Posch, L Kauppi Proc. Hydrological and Hydrogeochemical Mechanisms and Model Approaches to …, 1984 | 17 | 1984 |
Statistically based lake survey: A representative picture of nutrient status in Finland J Kämäri, M Forsius, L Kauppi Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie …, 1990 | 16 | 1990 |
The role of nitrogen as a growth limiting factor in the eutrophic Lake Vesijärvi, southern Finland J Kanninen, L Kauppi, ER Yrjänä Hydrobiologia 86 (1), 81-85, 1982 | 16 | 1982 |
Selenium in tap water and natural water ecosystems in Finland. D Wang, G Alfthan, A Aro, L Kauppi, J Soveri | 15 | 1991 |