Paul D. Larson
Paul D. Larson
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Logistics versus supply chain management: an international survey
PD Larson, A Halldorsson
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 7 (1), 17-31, 2004
Logistics skills and competencies for supply chain management
B Gammelgaard, PD Larson
Journal of Business logistics 22 (2), 27-50, 2001
Humanitarian and disaster relief supply chains: a matter of life and death
JM Day, SA Melnyk, PD Larson, EW Davis, DC Whybark
Journal of Supply Chain Management 48 (2), 21-36, 2012
Consumer attitudes about electric cars: Pricing analysis and policy implications
PD Larson, J Viáfara, RV Parsons, A Elias
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 69, 299-314, 2014
Supply chain management: definition, growth and approaches
PD Larson, DS Rogers
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 6 (4), 1-5, 1998
Research opportunities in purchasing and supply management
T Schoenherr, SB Modi, WC Benton, CR Carter, TY Choi, PD Larson, ...
International Journal of Production Research 50 (16), 4556-4579, 2012
What skills are needed to be a humanitarian logistician?
G Kovács, P Tatham, PD Larson
Journal of business logistics 33 (3), 245-258, 2012
Building humanitarian supply chain relationships: lessons from leading practitioners
R McLachlin, PD Larson
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 1 (1), 32-49, 2011
The use and impact of communication media in purchasing and supply management
PD Larson, JD Kulchitsky
Journal of Supply Chain Management 36 (2), 29-39, 2000
What is SCM? And, where is it?
PD Larson, A Halldorsson
Journal of Supply Chain Management 38 (3), 36-44, 2002
Single sourcing and supplier certification: performance and relationship implications
PD Larson, JD Kulchitsky
Industrial Marketing Management 27 (1), 73-81, 1998
Relationships between inventory, sales and service in a retail chain store operation
C Dubelaar, G Chow, PD Larson
International journal of physical distribution & logistics management 31 (2 …, 2001
Improving response rates to mail surveys: a research note
PD Larson, RF Poist
Transportation Journal, 67-74, 2004
A note on mail surveys and response rates in logistics research
PD Larson
Journal of Business Logistics 26 (2), 211-222, 2005
Not‐for‐profit supply chains in interrupted environments: the case of a faith‐based humanitarian relief organisation
R McLachlin, PD Larson, S Khan
Management Research News 32 (11), 1050-1064, 2009
Supply chain management: a comparison of Scandinavian and American perspectives
Á Halldórsson, PD Larson, RF Poist
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 38 (2 …, 2008
The TQM impact: a study of quality managers' perceptions
PD Larson, A Sinha
Quality Management Journal 2 (3), 53-66, 1995
An empirical study of inter-organizational functional integration and total costs
PD Larson
Journal of Business Logistics 15 (1), 153, 1994
Buyer‐supplier co‐operation, product quality and total costs
PD Larson
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 24 (6 …, 1994
Perspectives on logistics vs. SCM: a survey of SCM professionals
PD Larson, RF Poist, Á Halldórsson
Journal of Business Logistics 28 (1), 1-24, 2007
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