Misiker Tadesse Aga
Misiker Tadesse Aga
University of Michigan
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Cited by
Nethammer: Inducing rowhammer faults through network requests
M Lipp, MT Aga, M Schwarz, L Raab, L Lamster, C Maurice, D Gruss
2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW …, 2020
Cold boot attacks are still hot: Security analysis of memory scramblers in modern processors
SF Yitbarek, MT Aga, R Das, T Austin
2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture …, 2017
Morpheus: A vulnerability-tolerant secure architecture based on ensembles of moving target defenses with churn
M Gallagher, L Biernacki, S Chen, ZB Aweke, SF Yitbarek, MT Aga, ...
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Architectural …, 2019
When good protections go bad: Exploiting anti-DoS measures to accelerate Rowhammer attacks
MT Aga, ZB Aweke, T Austin
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust …, 2017
Smokestack: Thwarting DOP attacks with runtime stack layout randomization
MT Aga, T Austin
2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization …, 2019
Morpheus II: A RISC-V security extension for protecting vulnerable software and hardware
A Harris, T Verma, S Wei, L Biernacki, A Kisil, MT Aga, V Bertacco, ...
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust …, 2021
Software-driven security attacks: From vulnerability sources to durable hardware defenses
L Biernacki, M Gallagher, Z Xu, MT Aga, A Harris, S Wei, M Tiwari, ...
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 17 (3), 1-38, 2021
High performance automatic target recognition
M Tadesse, E Adugna
AFRICON 2015, 1-5, 2015
Thwarting Advanced Code-reuse Attacks
MT Aga
Wrangling in the power of code pointers with proxycfi
MT Aga, C Holoday, T Austin
Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXIII: 33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 …, 2019
Check for Wrangling in the Power of Code Pointers with ProxyCFI Misiker Tadesse Aga (), Colton Holoday, and Todd Austin University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
MT Aga
Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXIII: 33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 …, 2019
Smokestack: thwarting DOP attacks with runtime stack layout randomization. In 2019 IEEE
MT Aga, T Austin
ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), 26-36, 0
Cold Boot Attacks are Still Hot: Security Analysis of Memory Scramblers in Modern Processors
SFYMT Aga, R Das, T Austin
Optimizing Control Data Isolation on GCC
M Aga, SA Hazboun, L Millar, A Yarger
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Articles 1–14