Michael Oram
Michael Oram
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Organization and functions of cells responsive to faces in the temporal cortex
DI Perrett, JK Hietanen, MW Oram, PJ Benson
Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London. Series B …, 1992
Responses of anterior superior temporal polysensory (STPa) neurons to “biological motion” stimuli
MW Oram, DI Perrett
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 6 (2), 99-116, 1994
Integration of form and motion in the anterior superior temporal polysensory area (STPa) of the macaque monkey
MW Oram, DI Perrett
Journal of neurophysiology 76 (1), 109-129, 1996
Neural representation for the perception of the intentionality of actions
T Jellema, CI Baker, B Wicker, DI Perrett
Brain and cognition 44 (2), 280-302, 2000
Integration of visual and auditory information by superior temporal sulcus neurons responsive to the sight of actions
NE Barraclough, D Xiao, CI Baker, MW Oram, DI Perrett
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (3), 377-391, 2005
Time course of neural responses discriminating different views of the face and head
MW Oram, DI Perrett
Journal of neurophysiology 68 (1), 70-84, 1992
Viewer-centred and object-centred coding of heads in the macaque temporal cortex
DI Perrett, MW Oram, MH Harries, R Bevan, JK Hietanen, PJ Benson, ...
Experimental brain research 86, 159-173, 1991
Gaze following and joint attention in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).
NJ Emery, EN Lorincz, DI Perrett, MW Oram, CI Baker
Journal of comparative psychology 111 (3), 286, 1997
Recognition of objects and their component parts: responses of single units in the temporal cortex of the macaque
E Wachsmuth, MW Oram, DI Perrett
Cerebral Cortex 4 (5), 509-522, 1994
Evidence accumulation in cell populations responsive to faces: an account of generalisation of recognition without mental transformations
DI Perrett, MW Oram, E Ashbridge
Cognition 67 (1-2), 111-145, 1998
Neurophysiology of shape processing
DI Perrett, MW Oram
Image and Vision Computing 11 (6), 317-333, 1993
TheIdeal Homunculus': decoding neural population signals
MW Oram, P Földiák, DI Perrett, F Sengpiel
Trends in neurosciences 21 (6), 259-265, 1998
Stochastic nature of precisely timed spike patterns in visual system neuronal responses
MW Oram, MC Wiener, R Lestienne, BJ Richmond
Journal of neurophysiology 81 (6), 3021-3033, 1999
Recognizing, understanding and reproducing action.
DP Carey, DI Perrett, MW Oram
Handbook of Neuropsychology Vol 11, Action and Cognition, 111-129, 1997
Social signals analyzed at the single cell level: someone is looking at me, something moved!
DI Perrett, MH Harris, AJ Mistlin, JK Hietanen, PJ Benson, R Bevan, ...
International Journal of Comparative Psychology 4 (1), 1990
Modeling visual recognition from neurobiological constraints
MW Oram, DI Perrett
Neural Networks 7 (6-7), 945-972, 1994
Excess synchrony in motor cortical neurons provides redundant direction information with that from coarse temporal measures
MW Oram, NG Hatsopoulos, BJ Richmond, JP Donoghue
Journal of neurophysiology 86 (4), 1700-1716, 2001
15 Cell populations in the banks of the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque and imitation
T Jellema, CI Baker, MW Oram, DI Perrett
The imitative mind: development, evolution, and brain bases 6, 267, 2002
The temporal resolution of neural codes: does response latency have a unique role?
MW Oram, D Xiao, B Dritschel, KR Payne
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2002
Effect of image orientation and size on object recognition: Responses of single units in the macaque monkey temporal cortex
E Ashbridge, DI Perrett, MW Oram, T Jellema
Cognitive Neuropsychology 17 (1-3), 13-34, 2000
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Articles 1–20