African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis: An international research project and field campaign JL Redelsperger, CD Thorncroft, A Diedhiou, T Lebel, DJ Parker, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 87 (12), 1739-1746, 2006 | 803 | 2006 |
Recent trends in the Central and Western Sahel rainfall regime (1990–2007) T Lebel, A Ali Journal of hydrology 375 (1-2), 52-64, 2009 | 714 | 2009 |
Rainfall variability in West Africa during the years 1950–90 L Le Barbé, T Lebel, D Tapsoba Journal of climate 15 (2), 187-202, 2002 | 681 | 2002 |
Rainfall climatology of the HAPEX-Sahel region during the years 1950–1990 L Le Barbé, T Lebel Journal of hydrology 188, 43-73, 1997 | 421 | 1997 |
Mesoscale convective system rainfall in the Sahel V Mathon, H Laurent, T Lebel Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 41 (11), 1081-1092, 2002 | 420 | 2002 |
HAPEX-Sahel: a large-scale study of land-atmosphere interactions in the semi-arid tropics JP Goutorbe, T Lebel, A Tinga, P Bessemoulin, J Brouwer, AJ Dolman, ... Annales Geophysicae 12 (1), 53-64, 1994 | 416 | 1994 |
Recent trends in the regime of extreme rainfall in the Central Sahel. G Panthou, T Vischel, T Lebel International Journal of Climatology 34 (15), 2014 | 347 | 2014 |
On the accuracy of areal rainfall estimation: a case study T Lebel, G Bastin, C Obled, JD Creutin Water Resources Research 23 (11), 2123-2134, 1987 | 337 | 1987 |
Spatio-temporal variability of hydrological regimes around the boundaries between Sahelian and Sudanian areas of West Africa: A synthesis L Descroix, G Mahe, T Lebel, G Favreau, S Galle, E Gautier, JC Olivry, ... Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 90-102, 2009 | 308 | 2009 |
The Sahelian standardized rainfall index revisited A Ali, T Lebel International Journal of climatology 29 (12), 1705, 2009 | 307 | 2009 |
AMMA-CATCH studies in the Sahelian region of West-Africa: An overview T Lebel, B Cappelaere, S Galle, N Hanan, L Kergoat, S Levis, B Vieux, ... Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 3-13, 2009 | 307 | 2009 |
Seasonal cycle and interannual variability of the Sahelian rainfall at hydrological scales T Lebel, A Diedhiou, H Laurent Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D8), 2003 | 245 | 2003 |
Progress in regional downscaling of West African precipitation H Paeth, NMJ Hall, MA Gaertner, MD Alonso, S Moumouni, J Polcher, ... Atmospheric science letters 12 (1), 75-82, 2011 | 237 | 2011 |
From GCM grid cell to agricultural plot: scale issues affecting modelling of climate impact C Baron, B Sultan, M Balme, B Sarr, S Traore, T Lebel, S Janicot, ... Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005 | 231 | 2005 |
Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006 S Janicot, CD Thorncroft, A Ali, N Asencio, G Berry, O Bock, B Bourlès, ... Annales Geophysicae 26 (9), 2569-2595, 2008 | 214 | 2008 |
OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories J Gaillardet, I Braud, F Hankard, S Anquetin, O Bour, N Dorfliger, ... Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-24, 2018 | 211 | 2018 |
Observational evidence of persistent convective-scale rainfall patterns CM Taylor, T Lebel Monthly Weather Review 126 (6), 1597-1607, 1998 | 204 | 1998 |
Rain measurement by raingage-radar combination: a geostatistical approach JD Creutin, G Delrieu, T Lebel Journal of Atmospheric and oceanic technology 5 (1), 102-115, 1988 | 192 | 1988 |
Rainfall intensification in tropical semi-arid regions: the Sahelian case G Panthou, T Lebel, T Vischel, G Quantin, Y Sane, A Ba, O Ndiaye, ... Environmental Research Letters 13 (6), 064013, 2018 | 190 | 2018 |
Rainfall monitoring during HAPEX-Sahel. 1. General rainfall conditions and climatology T Lebel, JD Taupin, N d'Amato Journal of Hydrology 188, 74-96, 1997 | 187 | 1997 |